Present: Chairman, Phil Gelling (PG)
Colin Barton (CB); Gordon Cockburn (GC); Rob Humphreys (RH); Jayne Miller (CJM);
David Shackleford (DS)

1. Apologies for Absence
None received

2. Minutes of the Meeting held 11 November 2019 were accepted and duly signed.

3. Matters Arising
No matters which would not be covered by the agenda.

4. Outcomes from Recent Meetings

4.1. Meeting with Silvana and Gaspar – 4 January
Budget specified at €2m

4.2. CDiP Meeting – 10 January
This was not as antagonistic as it could have been, Richard Moss stated at the outset that there
should be no barracking, which was largely complied with. Tom Finnegan made ambitious
demands. Gaspar continued with statements he has made as previously.
Linda Biggs showed some documents, possibly from Ombudsman, need to establish what the
document states. It had been understood that the Ombudsman advised that the matters should
be discussed with the Council – needs to be done – but agreed that an entity cannot be enforced.
PG has a copy of the ombudsman’s statement which he will circulate.

4.3. Silvana’s Meeting – 11 January
A positive meeting with 33 in attendance. The general theme is that many residents are still upset
but many are now prepared to consider implementing CoOs – PH suggests we ballot
membership to gauge how they would wish CRA to move forward

5. Presentation of Accounts for the Fiscal Year
Figures circulated as attached. These will be presented to the AGM.

6. Communities of Owners
The Ayuntamiento will not put pressure for all residents to create the individual sector
communities, however they do recommend that residents comply. It was noted that a recent
posting on Camposol Forum detailed the complete process of creating and maintaining a
community of owners – found at this link :
On the document relating to the Horizontal Property Law, GC has noted some mention that it only
relates to properties completed. In which case many properties may be considered to be
excluded from this aspect of the Law. There are many problems to be faced in following this
through, not the least statute of limitations – some properties having been finished well over 10
years ago – also do not want to raise hopes that we can meet individual requirements to repair
and make to good standard.

If we go down that road, cost will be several thousand euro, so perhaps within the approach to
residents we should request or suggest a contribution towards following the case through. The
quotation, from some years ago for legal advice, was €50k – at that time only some €25k was
raised, which obviously was insufficient The issues need to be clarified – a personal meeting
might realise a more productive outcome – PG to contact Velasco Lawyers and any other prepared
to provide a quotation.
7. Membership

Current membership 970 – following review of old files, many old applications had not been
actioned and now have been picked up. There is always a steady trickle of applications through
the website.
PG précised discussions with Nigel Jones, who although not yet retired will be very keen to work
with CRA as soon as he is able. He is very conversant with European Law including grants and
8. Future Initiatives

In an attempt to raise the CRA profile it had been suggested gardening and charity groups would
welcome support by donation from funds – with presentation of cheques to relevant parties
alongside appropriate publicity. All in favour, cost of production of presentation cheques to be
investigated by RH.

The CRA is also keen to pursue the possibility of sponsoring some play/sporting facilities locally.

9. Spanish Classes
Going very well – dip last week since members still away following Christmas holidays. Project
well in profit. If the reduction in numbers continues, classes may be amalgamated. New recruits
would be welcome – RH to republicise on website.

10. Issues from Gardening Groups
CB advised on his correspondence with Silvana regarding pruning of palm trees which was
becoming a cost too high for the Group to fund. Since the trees are on public roads, where they
had been advised to cease working, he had enquired whether there would be money from the
Ayuntamiento. In view of lack of response they will probably have to undertake the work
themselves – paid Mickey Moo €1400 for 147 trees last year. GC to provide names and contact
details to obtain alternative quotes.

11. Any Other Business

11.1. British Consulate Pop-Up
Noted that another pop-up had been arranged to be held at the Food Company in Puerto de
Mazarrón on 22 January 2020.

11.2. Ballot Membership
As noted under item 6 above, PG suggests balloting membership to find out how they feel about
CoOs etc, which could be circulated to membership. As a minimum suggest asking
Do you want a CoO ?
Do you want to take legal action and make contribution ?
Do you want to do nothing?

11.3. Round Table
Gaspar will trigger in due course, date still awaited.

11.4. Legal Advice / Strategy
PG has spoken to lawyer suggested by RH , another which has been suggested, together with a
contact at Fortuna who had experience of their community of owners. The latter advised that in
the light of their experience they did not feel that an ‘action’ is appropriate. They lawyers advised
approaching the matter through the banks, which is inappropriate. As above PG will approach
Velasco Lawyers.

11.5. Governance of CRA

11.5.1. Registration of new Committee
Still outstanding. Emails to Tina have been ignored. Silvana has followed up and response still
awaited which hopefully will include a physical address and/or telephone number. Also follow up
with Maite.

11.5.2. AGM
Held in May 2019, later than it should have been to avoid the elections. Suggested to hold in
May again, date set for 23 May 2020.

11.5.3. Amendments to the Constitution
GC to send again his suggestions

Next Meetings: at the Golf Club
Meeting with Silvana and Gaspar – 11am, 15 February 2020
(yet to be confirmed by Silvana)
Committee Meeting – 2pm, 17 February 2020