Over the years many questions and enquiries have been answered by the member of the Camposol Residents Association. Please see below a listing of many frequently asked questioned.
Documentation you need:
- Passport and copy of the two pages together in the passport where your photo is and biometric details
- Only need padron if you have moved recently.
- 2 photos – Just Fabulous or Best Wishes know the size and background required
- Residencia and copy
- NIE and copy
- 2 copies of Modelo EX23 written or typed in black capitals
- 3 copies of Modelo 790 012 (the TASA payment) (and be careful it prints bottom of the form – ‘copy for administrator’ should be last line.) It automatically prints 3 numbered copies.
- Original and copy of appointment form (this pops up when you make an appointment)
- Original and copy of email confirmation of appointment
Here from the website confirmation of the requirements: (Google translated)
To access this procedure, you must be the owner of one of the following documents:
- Union Citizen Registration Certificate.
- Union Citizen Family Card (British or Northern Ireland).
- Favorable resolution issued by the Immigration Offices of the Government Delegations / Sub-delegations. To verify if the file is in a ” Resolved favorable” status ( link below ).
The issuance of the Foreigner Identity Card (TIE) can only be carried out in the province of residence .
The appointment is personal , so a single appointment will not be accepted for different members of the family unit
- Application form model EX-23 (pdf) , duly completed and signed by the applicant or his legal representative (link below).
- Valid and valid passport of the applicant. In the event that the passport is expired, you must provide a copy of it and the renewal application. At the time of collecting the card, the Passport must be valid. (Original and copy of the biometric page).
- Proof of payment of the fee Model 790 Code 012 of the Ministry of the Interior. The copy must be correctly printed in its entirety, not admitting in any case prints in which the lower part of the document does not appear, which contains the annotation “Copy for the Administration”. The form is downloaded from the Police website ( link below ).
The option that must be marked to pay the amount corresponding to this Foreigner Identity Card is ” Certificate of registration of community resident or residence card of family member of a citizen of the Union .”
IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO PHOTOCOPY THE FORM OF THE FEE , since each form is recognized with a unique identifier.
In the event that the Model 790 has been subscribed , code. 012 improperly, must be filed refund of this fee in person at the Documentation Unit where he was issued the Alien Identification Card, or failing that , where he obtained an appointment for that purpose. In no case should the return be requested through registration.
- A photograph , in accordance with the requirements established in the regulations on Spanish National Identity Document:
Recent color photograph of the applicant’s face, size 32×26 millimeters, with a plain white uniform background, taken from the front with the head completely uncovered and without dark glasses or any other garment that may prevent or hinder the identification of the person. (The photograph must clearly show the oval of the face, which includes eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth and chin, and must be of high resolution and on good quality photographic paper) .
- Current registration certificate or flyer in case you have changed your address (issued in the last three months). Original and copy
- Provide a Union Citizen Registration Certificate or Foreigner Identity Card if available. Failing that, a report of loss or theft.
- The minor must be accompanied by their duly accredited legal representative and original identity documents and in force, or the person empowered by them.
The documents that must be presented to prove the relationship with the minor are:
a) Original and valid identity documents, in any case.
b) Minor born in Spain. Family Book or birth certificate from the Civil Registry, or judicial sentence of guardianship.
c) Minor born abroad. Birth certificate or minor guardianship documents translated (according to need) and legalized, either with the Hague Apostille or diplomatic channels.
d) To prove the power of attorney: Power of attorney issued in Spain. Power of attorney made outside of Spain, translated (according to need) and legalized, either with the Hague Apostille or through diplomatic channels
To book your appointment:
On the first page choose Murcia as the province and press Aceptar
Second page – Choose Oficina as shown below – leave the middle option Tramites Oficinas untouched and in the next drop-down box choose as highlighted below (the penultimate item)
Then press ACEPTAR
The next page headed
Tells you what documentation is needed – scroll to bottom and press ENTRAR
The next page you fill in your NIE number and your first name and surname i.e. FRED SMITH (if you have two surnames put them in)
On the next page fill in your telephone/email and repeat email address
at bottom of page press SIGUIENTE and the next page will show you available appointments – click on the one you prefer or if there are none, or you want a later day then click on CANCELAR and try another day.
From personal experience I would recommend an afternoon appointment, parking is hard in the morning and a lot of people have their interviews with gestors attending too. In the afternoons there is hardly anyone around and I was on my way home before the official time of my interview. You are advised to arrive half an hour early just in case there is a queue.
When you have made your appointment a confirmation page will pop up and you need to print this out and make a copy.
If you change your mind up to the day before the appointment it’s very straightforward to cancel and choose an alternative date or wait for another suitable day.
LINK TO FORM EX23 https://extranjeros.inclusion.gob.es/ficheros/Modelos_solicitudes/mod_solicitudes2/23-Formulario_TIE_RU.pdf
LINK TO MODELO 790 012 https://sede.policia.gob.es:38089/Tasa790_012/ (The payment form)
Fill in online
The first part is your NIE/Surname(s) and first name/ tipo de via = Calle/Name of Calle/Number of Calle/Telephone/Muncipio = Camposol, Mazarron/Provincia = Murcia/Codigo postal = 30875 (for Camposol)
Second part
Third part
Fourth part
Last Part
CHECK YOUR PRINTED COPIES – be careful it prints bottom of the form – ‘copy for administrator’ should be last line.
Take the motorway to Murcia – you want to exit Junction 135 signed Molina De Segura, which is the junction before Ikea exit.
When you go around the roundabout which takes you on the N301 take the service road which runs alongside the N301.
The Police Station is on the right when you approach traffic lights.
There is no parking there so drive on about 3 buildings and look to your right where there is a cafe and an all-day car park. In the mornings there is a charge unless you spend a certain amount in the cafe.
The car park closes at around 2pm so this is why it’s good to have an afternoon appointment as more chance of getting in and it’s no charge. Alternatively if you look to your left just before the filling station there are a few spaces and someone pointing them out who will no doubt expect a tip.
Walk round the the Police station and take the entrance by the right hand side of the building and the entry doors are just a little way along. There is a screen just inside where you type in your NIE number and take a ticket – sometimes the police do it for you.
Your ticket tells you which area you are allocated (there are about 4 areas and all visible from the waiting hall). Your ticket will have a number e.g UK99 and you sit in the waiting hall until that number comes up on the screen and tells you which door to go through for your interview. You don’t really need to say anything – just hand over your paperwork and have your fingerprints taken. At the end they will point out the web address and your lote number – just keep an eye on the web address and see when your lote number is ready and then you can make an appointment to go back to the same place and collect your TIE.
The web address to check lote numbers is: http://ouemurcia.cgsmurcia.org
you click on RECOGIDA DE TARJETAS: COMPRUEBE SU LOTE to see the lote numbers they are up to. (As I write this no new numbers have been added for 3 weeks but I assume the holiday period is affecting them.
and you can click on SOLICITE SU CITA PREVIA to make an appointment to collect your TIE
or click here: https://sede.administracionespublicas.gob.es/icpplus/citar?p=30
choose as per screen shot below:
The rest is straightforward – choose a time and date – take your passport, residencia and the paperwork they gave you with your lote number on. Same entrance – wait for police to show you in and point you where to collect. At the counter they will retain your residencia and give you the TIE CARD.
I had a 09:45 appointment with the Padron but went early. The security guy put me in front of the queue and the lady at the Padron counter was very nice. At the CNP headquarters in Murcia you punch your NIE number in and I got a ticket marked with “UK” and a number. I noticed French people get tickets with F, Moroccans with M and so forth. It seems that various counters are reserved to handle various nationalities.
The guy I had was very nice but only spoke Spanish. Maybe this was because I spoke Spanish. I don’t know. In any event, he had the paperwork and photos forwarded by Zamora and all I had to do was to pass over my passport and green card and give digital prints of both forefingers. Took only 8 minutes comprising 3 minutes waiting and 5 minutes at desk.
You pay Zamora € 49 plus €12 for the complete process. Zamora will now arrange my CITA in 4 weeks time when I will return to the CNP hand over my green card and collect my digitised TIE.
You can report lots of problems using the Línea Verde which links to the Town Hall. For example mosquitos, rubbish recycling, pests and much more. You will get a response from their team of experts within 24 hrs.
Download the app to your Spanish mobile:
Positive balance of a service that is used by neighbours to report flaws and share good environmental practices
The mobile application of the Línea Verde service allows the Mazarrón City Council to process about 2,000 incidents. The service is a direct channel from residents to the administration that allows the communication of defects as well as the use and maintenance of good environmental practices.
Línea Verde began its journey in 2013, having a very good reception among citizens. To date, 1,974 incidents have been reported. Of these, 79% have already been processed and the rest are in progress. The most reported incidents have to do with lighting, followed by those that have to do with sidewalks and driveways, parks and gardens, and urban solid waste.
Operation of Línea Verde
In order to use this new service, it is necessary to download the Línea Verde APP. To do this, the user accesses Google Play or APP Store depending on the technology used on their Smartphone (Android / iOS). Once located, the download is carried out for free. From that moment on, the user selects the municipality on which he wants to report the incident. The procedure is very quick and easy.
To report an incident, just click on the “Report your incident” button. A drop-down with the different types of incidents appears on the screen. The user selects the one about which he wants to communicate. Automatically, the APP detects the exact coordinates where the fault is located. The next step is to attach a photo of the incident and observation about it. Now all you have to do is hit the send button. Once sent, City Council staff receives notification of the reported damage. From this moment on, the procedures are started to solve the incident detected. The citizen, in turn, receives notification on his mobile phone whenever there is a change in the status of the same.
Through Línea Verde, the user can also raise any environmental query. Simply select the option “Make your query”. Within a maximum period of 24 hours you will have a response from a team of experts in the field completely free of charge.
More information at http://www.lineaverdemazarron.com/
Or just use the website to make your report:
Other emergency phone numbers:
FAST (Camposol only) – 968 970 626 – Call FAST after you have called 112 for an ambulance
Fire Brigade (Mazarron) 968 590 200
Guardia Civil (Mazarron) 968 590 005
Guardia Civil (Pto Mazarron) 968 594 103
Local Police (Mazarron) 968 591 496
Local Police (Puerto de Mazarron) 968418181
Coastguard Sea Rescue 900 202 202 Cartagena: 968 529 594 Cartagena Port Control Room 968325801
Samaritans Spain Freephone 900 525 100 – 24hr
Medical Centre Mazarron 968 590 411
Medical Centre Pto Mazarron 968 595 342/968 154 202
Medical Centre Camposol – 968 131 695/968 228 250
Noahs Rescue/Emergency: 603206363 and 603199072
Andreas Animal rescue 690 90 65 65
Fiona Harvey 663 71 65 65
Debbie Shaw 677 353136
Alex Woods – Please call me anytime night or day on 696667182. If you ring me and get through to an answer machine, then please leave a message and I will ring you back right away. I also have Whatsapp.
The procedure when things revert to near normality is quite simple.
Go to: https://sede.carm.es/sms/citainternet/login.xhtml
You can choose language ESP/ENG in top right corner.
Put your NIE number in first box and date of birth in second box.
Select Get In and on next screen choose Medical.
The next screen will show you the first available date, either choose this by clicking Confirm, or click on Change Appointment to see further available dates. You can also give your email address to receive email reminder of the date.
The info below is from normal pre-Covid times….
Your medical card cannot be renewed until after the expiry date. For example if it expires end of April then you can renew first opportunity in May.
The days for renewal at Mazarron Health Centre in July are Tuesday, Wednesday and Fridays
Tuesday 8.30 to 10.45 – (No tickets, ask who is last in queue).
Wednesday and Friday
8.30 till 10.00 – (no tickets, ask who is last in the queue),
or 10.30 till 12.30 (take a ticket – tickets are put up on door 30 at 10 am and the official issuing the cards goes for his break and starts seeing people in order of their tickets from 10.30 up to 12.30.
Room 30 is up the stairs – then turn left and left again.
You will need:
- Up to date Padron (at time of posting under 2 years old)
- Passport
- Your expired card – they will issue you with a temporary piece of paper which says valid for 3 months.
This is HOW you are meant to complete the procedure for collecting your medical card in Mazarron Health Centre:
The date written on your temporary piece of paper is the date you are meant to start asking at Camposol Health Centre To see IF your card has arrived in Mazarron yet. It is NOT the date you are meant to go down and ask him in the office if it is there.Once you have been told at the desk that your card is in Mazarron, You can go and collect it. You do not need an appointment or a ticket to do so. The man dealing with this would like people to collect on Wednesdays as he is there every Wednesday from 8.30 until 12.30 ish, (but does have a break about 10). A lot of people are going down there on the date of their temporary paper and wasting their own time hanging about and his time trying to explain etc. So please check at the desk at your surgery first to see if it is there, and once you have been told it is, then go and collect.At the moment they are taking about 2.5-3 months, but this will likely get worse the closer we get into the summer.Debbie Shaw – translator/interpreter on Camposo also has a collection service for these cards..
Passport and N.I.E document
Proof of recent documentation relating to the ownership of the property
Latest contribution documentation (I assume it’s the IBI receipt).
Nota simple from the Registro de la Propiedad (Land Registry)
Escritura (Deeds)
Recent water or electricity invoice
Proof of recent documentation relating to the ownership of the property
Latest contribution documentation (I assume it’s the IBI receipt)
Nota simple from the Registro de la Propiedad (Land registry)
Escritura of the property (Deeds)
Personal documents (Passport and NIE document)
Invoice of water or electricity
Rental Contract or Authorization for obtaining the Padron at this address
There are two options:
You can go to the Rover Clinic near Visanfer Mazarron Wednesday and Friday 6pm to 8pm.
Or use the Clinica Laboratorio in Mazarron which is at 106 Avenida De Constitución. It’s just a few buildings past the Tabac.
It is open two days a week:
No appointment necessary but make sure you take any medical records if on medication.
Take all your paperwork and especially your driving license and make sure your padron is less than 3 months old.
If you normally wear glasses make sure you wear them.
Please note the receptionist speaks very little English.
Once you have been seen by the receptionist you will need to go downstairs and queue to see the Doctor. He will then examine your documents, particularly your medical documents, and carry out an eye test. Should you have a particular medical condition he may ask you to obtain a note from your Doctor confirming treatment. Once this process is complete you will be asked to go to the office next door where final details will taken and your medical document issued.
Your renewed licence will be posted to you.
You can check progress through this link:
Council tax or IBI “Impuesto sobre Bienes Inmuebles”, which could be translated as “property tax”, is a municipally levied tax which is collected by the Murcia Regional Authority, IBI can be paid by Direct Debit, this can be set up at the Hacienda Office in Mazarrón (address details below), or by pro forma invoice, notice and invoice for IBI is distributed by post in June/July, the Region of Murcia do offer a scheme combining IBI with Car tax which can then be paid over 12 monthly payments, this option is offered by post in January or by enquiring at the Hacienda Office in Mazarrón (address details below). There used to be a 5 percent discount on IBI if you pay by Direct Debit but cannot confirm this still operates.
To pay IBI in a one off payment, take the invoice into any of the banks listed on the invoice where payment will be receipted (there may be specified days a particular bank deals with tax payments).
If you have not received an invoice, a duplicate can be collected at the Consejería de Hacienda office situated Calle del Pino 5 Mazarron Currently in Covid times a prior appointment is needed – see: https://cita.carm.es/citaprevia/atrm/index.html?fbclid=IwAR1KxzoYe8wMlG4BHCx4YbinUUX6Z0Re1hE8Y2naF2rZes6oj477K0Uv3e0#!/es/home?uuid=2ac0-8de5f-fd4c-299a3
You can view, download and pay online.
To obtain a printable copy, the “Tributo” box should already show “I.B.I. URBANO” if not click on the dropdown arrow, then click on “I.B.I. URBANO”, check the year is the current year then in the “Poblacion” box click the dropdown arrow then click on “MAZARRON” then enter the owners NIE number in the “nif/cif” box, finally enter the usually 8 digit “No Fijo del Recibo” number in the last box, this number can be found in the centre panel of previous year IBI invoices, or possibly on your bank statement against the previous year’s payment, then click the “Enviar” button, this will bring up a copy of the invoice, if problems are encountered printing from this, download or save the document, which can then be printed. Payment can be made at any of the banks listed.
You can also pay online see details further below.
Go here to payment page:
Click on the Pasarela de Pagos
Choose the first option PAGO DIRECTO
Fill in your NIE on first line
The N28 numero de serie number in the middle box,
Total amount to pay using comma instead of decimal point i.e. 300,00 (three hundred pounds)
Then press PAGAR and pay using your credit or debit card.
You can also pay at an ATM which accepts bill payments.
Late payment can be paid but penalties will apply and a new copy invoice showing the penalty amount may be required by the collecting bank.
Car Tax (due 21 June) go to:
NOTE; As payment deadline was 21 June you cannot pay online now and will have to request a new bill with a fine added. You have to go to the Agencia Tributaria new the Tabac in Mazarron and appointment needed. You can make an appointment online:
Bring up the tribute/year/population fields as shown.
Enter your NIE and Vehicle reg in format shown but change date to 2021
Press SEND
The next page will show your bill – you can print or download using icons top right.
To pay online you will need to note the N28 Serial number:
Go here to payment page:
Click on the Pasarela de Pagos
Choose first option – direct payment:
On the next page fill in as shown below:
PRESS PAY button and you will be taken to payment page and after paid print out a receipt
Frequent questions
Below are a group of frequently asked questions regarding the operation of the payment gateway that can guide the citizen:
Where is the proof of payment of my debt?
Once your debt has been paid through the Payment Gateway, it provides you with proof of payment. You can reprint this receipt, see section 4 of the user manual.
What is the N28 and how do I put it on?
The N28 is the identifier of the debt. To enter it, see the instructions in section 3.1 of the user manual.
Can I pay for someone else?
Yes, see section 3.1 of the user manual.
However, in accordance with the provisions of article 33.1 of Royal Decree 939/2005, of July 29, which approves the General Collection Regulation, you are informed that the third party that pays the debt will not be entitled to exercise before the Administration the rights that correspond to the person liable to pay.
Can I only pay with a digital certificate?
No, direct payment does not require a certificate, see section 3.1 of the user manual.
The digital certificate is needed to pay from the “My debts” option, see section 3.2 of the user manual.
The screen gives me a warning, what does it mean?
See section 5 of the user manual.
I cannot print the proof of having paid, what do I do?
See section 5.5 of the user manual.
I do not have an email, how can I report an incident?
See section 6.2 of the user manual.
Currently in Covid situation you have to ring the Town Hall to make an appointment to deal with Padrons
As a consequence of the health alert caused by Covid-19, certain mandatory rules must also be complied with:
– Only those people who have an appointment can access the buildings. Escorts are not allowed, except for people with reduced mobility
– You must be punctual for your appointment in order to avoid crowds, and you must wait at the door at the marks located on the ground until the concierges allows you to enter the building, to prevent crowding inside.
– You should wear a mask that covers nose and mouth. Your pen should not be exposed
– If unable to attend, please call the same number to cancel your appointment
About Tiger Mosquitos
The Region of Murcia is intensifying its campaign against the proliferation of Tiger Mosquitos which are more aggressive than their “Common mosquito” cousins and have been identified as being responsible for transmitting zika, dengue and chikungunya fevers, the Tiger mosquito bite is more painful than the Common variety and the effects can linger for up to 2 weeks or even more, although the regional municipalities including Mazarrón Council have been treating and spraying public roads and areas, the Regional Director General for Public Health, José Carlos Vicente, announced that research and sampling by the entomology department has established that 80% of Tiger mosquito breeding grounds are situated on private property so home and landowners need to be vigilant and take measures to reduce or eradicate potential breeding sites by eliminating even small accumulations on water.
About Tiger Mosquitos
The Asian tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus) took up residence in the Murcia region around 2010 and is a small black and white mosquito, about 6 mm long. The name “tiger mosquito” comes from its white and black colour pattern, it has a white stripe running down the centre of its head and back with white bands on the legs.
These mosquitoes lay their eggs in water-filled natural and artificial containers like water deposits, ponds, untreated/abandoned swimming pools, garden pots, buckets, even old tyres, they do not lay their eggs in ditches or marshes. The Asian tiger mosquito usually does not fly more than about 1 km from its breeding site.
Life Cycle and Habits
The wormlike mosquito larvae swim with a wriggling motion, about 10 days after hatching, the larvae are about 6 mm long and completely grown they then change into comma-shaped pupae, the pupa stage completes their development into adult mosquitoes. When fully developed, an adult mosquito will emerge from each pupa at the water surface, adult mosquitoes emerge from pupae in as little as 10 to 14 days after the eggs hatch during the summer, after emerging from the pupa an adult tiger mosquito’s life span is around 3 weeks.
Asian tiger mosquitoes spend the winter in the egg stage, hatching into larvae when the eggs are covered with water in the spring and summer, the larvae feed on small bits of debris and bacteria in the water.
Male mosquitoes feed on plant juices and do not bite, female mosquitoes seek blood to help their eggs develop, unlike the Common mosquito, the Asian tiger also feeds during daylight hours, as well as at night. As with other mosquitoes, Asian tiger mosquitoes are attracted to dark clothing, perspiration, carbon dioxide and certain other odours. The mosquito will bite cats, dogs, cattle and other animals as well as people. About four or five days after feeding on blood, the female mosquito lays her eggs on or just above the surface of the water, once submerged in water, the larvae hatch.
Prevention and Control
You can and should try to reduce the risk of being bitten by mosquitoes:
Minimize time spent outdoors between dusk and dawn when mosquitoes are most active.
Be sure door and window screens fit tightly and are in good repair.
Wear shoes, socks, long pants and a long-sleeved shirt when outdoors for long periods of time and when mosquitoes are most active, clothing should be light coloured and made of tightly woven materials to keep mosquitoes away from the skin.
When it is necessary to be outdoors, apply insect repellent as indicated on the product’s label, apply to clothes when possible and sparingly to exposed skin if the label permits, consult a physician before using repellents on young children.
Indoor “Plug in” devices using liquid or tablets are widely available.
Spraying your garden with an insecticidal fog or mist is effective only for a short time, mosquitoes will return when the spray dissipates.
Mazarrón Council have employed a Mosquito Cannon (space spraying from specially equipped vehicles) this provides little control in private properties and this method is generally only effective when atmospheric conditions permit, you can however greatly reduce the number of tiger mosquitoes in your area by getting rid of breeding places:-
Remove any water-filled containers like food containers, drums, pots and buckets from your garden and terraces.
Keep mosquitoes from breeding in bird baths, pet water dishes and paddling pools by emptying, rinsing and replenishing them at least once a week.
Roof gutters should be kept clean of fallen leaves and other debris so that water does not collect in them.
Homeowners and residents should work together to eliminate breeding sites like abandoned cars, building materials, drums and other junk in vacant properties.
Report abandoned or untreated swimming pools, discarded tyres or other accumulations of water-holding junk to Mazarrón Council by calling in at the Town Hall and filling in a Solicitud genérica, Modelo 001 form or online using the Linea Verde link below, other infestations rats (ratas) cockroaches (cucurachas) etc can also be reported online via Linea Verde
These measures will also help control other mosquitoes.