Minutes of Committee Meeting Monday, 30 August 2021, 2.30pm Sensol Golf Club, Camposol

Present:- Phil Gelling [Chairman] (PG); Jayne Miller [Secretary] (CJM); C0lin Barton [Treasurer] (CB) Gordon Cockburn (GC); Tracey Comper (TC); Shirley Diben (SD); Alan Fleming (AF); Carol Francis (CF); Nigel Jones (NJ); Alison Lister (AL); Sylvia Williams (SW)

1.  Apologies for Absence

Alison Lister; Steve Reynolds

2.Minutes of previous meeting

Minutes of the meeting held 17 August were accepted, proposed GC . seconded TC, signed by the Chairman. There were no matters arising not covered by the agenda

3.Registration of the Association / New Committee Members

PG sent out several emails to Tina. There is some difficulty in communication since Tina does not speak English. Despite repeated requests concerning the required documentation she needs for changes to the Committee, no response has been received. Hopefully this will change as September starts.

PG to follow up again


PG has details how to make changes but instructions not easy to follow. He has printed off RH notes and gone through YOUTube tutorial. He will ensure the website will be sorted either by himself or Laurence and it may be appropriate to prepare a newsletter for circulation and for the website as an experiment in its use.

Meeting arranged for 9.30 on 12 September for PG to train CJM and SW

 5.Treasurer’s Report

CB officially signed up with relevant documentation at the bank. Finances were reported as

€9231.99 bank balance; cash in hand €332.83; and €63.30 on Paypal account

CB to circulate the ways in which donations and payments can be made

 Discussion turned to the €5000 already paid to the C Team. Query should be made how much more they are going to need. We need a good plan to raise monies. Awareness within the Community needs to be raised on what steps CRA are taking and how much funding will be required. It is necessary not only raise monies but also to raise awareness of what we are doing.

6.Next Steps

As previously, Maura has said she is applying for master deeds – these appear to be still unavailable. Complaint procedures to be invoked, possibly including denunciation against relevant notaries/ solicitors.

C Team have advised that 10 judgements have been made in respect of denunciation against Ayuntamiento.

It was reiterated that the PM advised we should go to Court; the Ombudsman was unable to assist unless maladministration within the last 12 months was identified. PG had been discussing these issues with other urbanisation groups, noting the blockages experienced, particularly by the various Ayuntamiento

We are still seeking sight of the relevant documents in order to given clear instructions to the C Team.

PG to follow up


Current membership 1339. Discussion covered household membership -v- individual persons. Often difficult to precisely identify membership as many members move or even sell without notifying change of ownership or change of address/email.

Newsletter should increase awareness and hopefully generate new membership.

8. Security

ADG have requested again to have information about their services on CRA website – information is still awaited from them. They should have one car on Camposol by beginning of October.

Increasing burglaries are causing concern to everyone. It was suggested to visit police and Guardia, perhaps invite them to give a presentation again, as they have in the past, and urge to get more Police presence on Camposol. Obviously this may not be possible in the present restrictions but hopefully in the future.

Noted that interesting that ADG have popped up and burglaries are now increasing although this may be apocryphal since information is now more quickly and easily disseminated.

It was suggested the CRA could work with security groups and to obtain accurate information which in general is not disseminated in order not to alarm residents. However, not all security groups have  a co-ordinator and in any case may not wish to have over-arching point of co-ordination


Quiz cancelled by Rendezvous. Waiting to hear from Alison about replacement date.

 Fiesta involvement ended 2016 because CRA were not requiring additional funds at that time. However, following the Regional report in 2018 and the subsequently initiated steps of circulating to regional and national bodies and finally involvement of the C Team, additional funds are urgently required.

10.Reports from the Gardening Groups

Nothing to report

11.Any Other Business

Cabin : PG has collected all comments and will circulate a summary. Time -v- use did not really justify reopening the facility. A better approach would be to enquire of the membership as to how they might to like address a ‘point of contact’, which of course is available on the website. Perhaps use could be made of the CRA ‘phone be ‘manned’ on a rotating basis.

Bridge report has been developed and sent to CHS and needs to be sent to Ayuntamiento.

PG to co-ordinate with CJM to visit Mazarrón with translator

Discussion turned to paper presented by NJ and proposals for communications with 3rd parties etc.  It was emphasised that the CRA needs to be focal point of activity on Camposol; in this connection PG needs to take Chairman role more seriously as a ‘supervisor’ and in the light of our increased numbers, delegate whenever possible.

Any member of the committee who wishes to communicate with a third party should be circulate their suggestion, requesting comments and after any necessary amendments, final approval to be given by the Chairman. Whenever appropriate, inclusion should be made to provide for a deadline by which to receive a response.

NJ to circulate a proposed list of questions to SB and will recirculate his recent emails.

Date of next meeting : 20 September 2021 – 2.30pm at the Golf Club

The meeting closed at 16.25