Minutes of Committee Meeting Tuesday, 17 August 2021, 2pm Sensol Golf Club, Camposol

Present : – Phil Gelling [Chairman] (PG); Jayne Miller [Secretary] (CJM); Gordon Cockburn (GC); Tracey Comper (TC); Alan Fleming (AF); Dave Jackson (DJ); Nigel Jones (NJ); Alison Lister (AL); Steve Reynolds (SR)

PG introduced new members with a brief history and background to the CRA as well as the current problems and ways in which they are being resolved.

1.  Apologies for Absence

Colin Barton (CB), Sylvia Williams, Shirley Diben, Carol Francis

2.  Minutes of previous meeting

GC proposed the minutes of the meeting held 26 July be accepted, seconded AL, signed by the Chairman

3.  Registration of the Association / New Committee Members

PG had previously circulated a list of roles within the Committee which required to be filled.

CJM proposed that Colin Barton undertake the role of Treasurer, seconded GC. She further suggested that GC, as Membership Secretary, retain his connection with the financial aspects as Deputy Treasurer. All in favour with these proposals.

Sylvia Williams has volunteered to deal with website and as another would be required to provide backup;

A brief discussion followed in respect of the management of communications within the Committee as the numbers increased. Overall the feeling was that meetings of the committee should continue as they are, to include all members.

PG to communicate the recent changes to Tina; GC to assist CB with the requisite documentation for the bank.

4. Website

As above, Sylvia Williams has volunteered to manage the website, CJM in support. PG together arrange appropriate training

5.  Treasurer’s Report

GC reported the bank balance as €9232.99, little changed since last meeting, In hand he had

€353.93. The Paypal account was unchanged at €63.30.

Discussion was raised in respect of the usage of the Paypal account – Fund Raisers to liaise with Treasurer to use this facility. There should also be a link through to website to facilitate donations.

6. Next Steps

Maura has suggested meeting in September. Master deeds for two poligonos are still awaited.

NJ drew attention to the situation identified b Pedro of the C Team, which was a reference to the various legal cases that may be worth looking at again. NJ to produce a brief.

Pedro has had preliminary meeting with Regional President, but is now awaiting a report regarding bridge.

PG to send out maps to everyone and make sure up on website

Further advice awaited and continued pressure on Ayuntamiento required.

Denuncia taken on Ayuntamiento in 2006. PG to follow up and establish results at that time

More expertise required in respect of obtaining European funding and seeking advice and specialist assistance – eg consumer rights groups etc. PG noted that CB seemed to be aware of issues in this connection and suggested that AF discuss with him

Documentation on judgements and decisions previously taken are required in order that CRA can consider the historical situation, prior to giving instructions to C Team. A lot of this depends on Statute of Limitations which has changed from 15 years to 10 years and it may be that any rejection on a time basis probably needs to be challenged.

Noted that there are at least three other urbanisations within Murcia with similar problems. Marbella is an area with many similar problems. Maura has urged that all these problems can be attacked together to provide greater power.


Currently 1338 at one time database of over 3000 but representing many dead or moved on. Commutations often difficult to assess but lines of communication often truncated and changes in websites caused more problems.

AL enquired what had happened to the weekly presence in the Cabin at the Cultural Centre which previously had provided a point for residents to seek information and make enquires. The general feeling was that now the Cultural Centre was reopening, opportunity could be taken to reinstate this service.

AF suggested that to assist with some of the problems in broadcasting information about CRA it would be appropriate to appoint a Communications Officer – volunteer required.

PG advised that there are some 40 nationalities resident on Camposol, the CRA website is multilingual and although there are Dutch and possibly French groups, none have been interested in joining with CRA. We are happy to have open door but few are willing to join.

8. Fundraising

AL reported on arrangements for the Quiz on A on 29 August, at Rendezvous at 5pm. Quiz to be hosted by the staff at a fee of €5 for meal and first drink. Leaflets to be distributed to encourage interest. Raffle prizes obtained. . The first drink will be free for €5 for the meal deal. She has received interest in assisting from Black Bull, Welcome Inn and Diner to do quizzes/race nights etc. She has thought to make provisional to booking for Halloween, Christmas and Valentine at Golf Club, however current restrictions only permit 36, therefore unless capacity requirements change these are unlikely to be viable.

9. Reports from the Gardening Groups

Green Fingers have a reduced Committee and although we have requested a volunteer from the Committee to attend CRA, no one has volunteered, perhaps make do with CJM.

10. Any Other Business

NJ has spoken to Charlie of ADG for an update since the last meeting. There are meetings Friday arranged at varying times across the Sectors. Apparently they nearly have achieved their target and therefore hoping to be up and running within a month.

Date of next meeting : 30 August – 2.30pm at the Golf Club The meeting closed at 16.10