Minutes of Committee Meeting Monday, 20 September 2021, 2.30pm Camposol Social Centre, Sector B

Present :

Phil Gelling [Chairman] (PG); Jayne Miller [Secretary] (CJM); Colin Barton [Treasurer] (CB); Gordon Cockburn (GC); Alan Fleming (AF);Dave Jackson (DJ); Nigel Jones (NJ);

1. Apologies for Absence

Carol Francis;    Alison Lister;   Steve Reynolds and Tracey Comper

  1. Minutes of previous meeting

Minutes of Committee Meeting held Tuesday, 20 August 2021, were approved as circulated, proposed GC; seconded NJ; and signed by the Chairman

3. Matters Arising

Nothing arising not covered by the agenda

4.Registration of the Association

PG still not had time to complete the forms – action now passed to GC

 5. Website

Tracey has offered to take up dealing with the website since Sylvia has dropped out.

PG is preparing training folders to be handed to Tracey and CJM

 6.Treasurer’s Report

Zero income for the month and expenditure of total €54.60 in respect of gaining entry and new lock for cupboard in Cultural Centre plus subscription for Google Workspace. Figures shows cash in hand €265.73, PayPal €63.30 and €9224.79 on bank account

Discussion turned to the usefulness/necessity for the Google Workspace in respect of which subscription had commenced in 2014 without apparent use since that time. AF to investigate

7. Next Steps

Gerardo has been communicating and composed letter to Region, PG has provided various items and his signature for inclusion.

Noted that €4.7million has been requested by Mazarrón to support tourism in the Bahia. CRA can only see this as a sleight in respect of Camposol.

Maura also has documentation from Court in respect of the €2.9million to resolve outstanding issues on A, B, C, D and F – obviously F does not exist yet so hopefully anything earmarked for F will divide between the remainder. Important to obtain the list of elements to be covered.

The ‘Futures Group’ has a meeting arranged to discuss co-operation with the B Sector Business Group

Futures Group are addressing short term ways in which we can raise profile and awareness to assist residents. Suggested to ‘man’ a help desk in the Cultural Centre; AF to visit Cálida Chronicle, NJ to discuss possibilities on radio promotion

Message required to be used at social functions to enlighten attendees as to what CRA are doing and for which funds raised will be used. Perhaps creating and continuing function of a Help Desk and promoting communications.

Consider joining all the Camposol Facebook groups and using these communication routes to make everyone more aware of CRA activities. Having grown the size of the committee, working with C Team to solve problems and now working help desk. All these actions need to be disseminated.

It was suggested to enquire of Silvana the possibility for a representative from each of the departments of the Ayuntamiento to attend at the Cultural Centre. To be duly advertised for open access.

It was noted that funding facility is available providing a detailed plan for usage is created. We need to identify which budget should be proposed for application for funding. However application needs to be by a public body to apply directly or have support of a public body – obviously in this case Mazarrón Ayuntamiento is the most practical route. NJ to enquire through Silvana.

NJ outlined the ways in which the thought processes of the Futures Group had resulted in the paper circulated following their meeting of 13 September. Proposed CJM seconded GC that NJ and his Futures Group continue with their current actions and provide appropriate reports to the Committee. All in favour.

The Futures Group are also reviewing action which could be taken in the longer term.

Alison on fundraising to be included as part of the Futures Group. Noted that Covid restrictions are still in place and measures need to be monitored in order to expand numbers at functions as soon as possible.

Futures Group also to investigate supply of T-shirts/polo shirts and follow up with Mr Print.

Report will be made to the next Committee meeting.


Someone has posted on Facebook concerning enquiries made about AGD through Salzillo who apparently know nothing of the relationship. As far as we are aware one car is still anticipated for October. Despite agreeing to post information on CRA website no data or information to post has been received.                           NJ to contact ADG to establish the veracity of the Facebook posting.

9. Membership

Numbers currently 1340. It was suggested that perhaps Tina may be able to assist I methods of demonstrating membership numbers.

Consider seeking voluntary donation from CRA members. Appropriate ‘button’ to be included on website for ‘make a donation’. This will fund monthly newsletter and other means of communication. Proposed NJ; seconded GC that donations should be sought from members; all in favour. PG to prepare newsletter to be circulated to Committee members and then published through as many outlets as possible.

GC to circulate summary information regarding breakdown of membership resident -v- holiday home owner and nationality where possible, although he advised nationality information is not collected.

10. Fundraising

Suggestion of the quiz apparently booked at the Rendezvous for Wednesday, 22 September was far too late for publicity or even members of the Committee to attend.

11. Reports from the Gardening Groups – B Clean

Having been stood down August facing very few volunteers to work through the winter. Have regular meetings with Silvana. Recent discussions have covered pruning of the palms on public roads. CRA could complete modelo 1 to highlight problem areas.

12. Any Other Business

Newsletter including update to members on current actions. PG to send contact information for Costa Cálida to AF.

CB mentioned that BClean has available an ‘A’ frame board for including notices.

Hoardings at entrance to Sector B are on private property, have been inspected and providing appropriate licences are paid, they are legal. Possibly will reduce as subscribers do not realise additional business as a result of the advertising.

Meeting Closed at 16.33

Date of next meetings : 11 October

8 November