Minutes of Committee Meeting
Monday, 22 November 2021, 2.30pm
Camposol Social Centre, Sector B
Present :
Phil Gelling [Chairman] (PG); Jayne Miller [Secretary] (CJM); Gordon Cockburn (GC); Tracey Comper (TC): Alan Fleming (AF); Dave Jackson (DJ); Nigel Jones (NJ); Alison Lister (AL)
- Apologies for Absence
Colin Barton; Alan Fleming; Steve Reynolds
- Minutes of previous meeting
Minutes of Committee Meeting held Monday, 8 November 2021, were approved as circulated, proposed GC; seconded NJ; and signed by the Chairman
- Matters Arising
Nothing arising not covered by the agenda
- Treasurer’s Report
Although absent, CB had advised there had been no income or expenditure since the last meeting, therefore finances remained unchanged.
- Report from Membership Secretary
Current membership stands at 1375 members an increase notably due to the Helpdesk. Some adjustment is still required as two members have sold their properties. GC is following up some older registrations by telephone and where possible couples are now registered as individual members.
- Registration of the Association / AGM
- Suggested date 8 January 2022. Midday. AL to book – No objections
- Intro’s to be requested from all Co-opted Committee Members
- Proposed Document from NJ attached
Fee structure discussed probably subscription to be based on household – duplicate addresses to be sorted
Further detail of projected fees to be requested from the C Team. Fund raising should not be part of the requirement to draw in funds. Work on basis that most subscribing membership as a household will continue and this is aimed at solely funding legal actions. Publicity is key and it needs to be correctly focussed.
Consideration of subscription to be readdressed once legal works are completed.
NJ and CJM co-ordinate circulation to membership etc
We need to be prepared to field questions at the AGM.
- Website / Newsletter
Newsletter went out last week and further to go out this weekend with invitation to AGM. Possibly after AGM only an ‘as and when’ basis.
GC and CJM to take on the website – meeting organised for later this week.
Q&A still does not work. ‘To join’ does not work either. All links need checking. The website is somewhat a disservice for the CRA – for example no minutes are posted.
What’s on is out of date. Do we receive funds for advertising? Lending library is mentioned – this has not been active for some time and should be deleted. Consideration to be given to charging for adverts in the course of 2022.
- Progress of C Team
Maura etc agreed to attend a meeting in January – they have made progress on meetings at Regional and National level to focus on Camposol problems Still having problems with notary in obtaining master escrituras. No reason has been given as to why they are not available. Possibly not correctly signed off. NJ and Carol Francis will need to attend on notary with Maura and Gerardo
In original summary of advice they asked whether wish to enforce original judgements. Also Eduardo’s proposal to accept urban works execution of works document of 22 August 2014 Eduardo was to be requested to investigate what had been discovered.
Additional works have been undertaken in Septs/Oct – no invoices received to date. Should we enquire about a monthly bill to ensure we can keep track? We should be able to follow how much has been done and therefore charged for. In conjunction with requesting subscription we really should be able to identify how the monies are being spent. Fees have been paid up front and we need to enquire how much has been absorbed on work done to date.
Five enquiries have been received for legal clinic – problems include Turistico property, lack of escrituras. Property on rambla etc
- Report of 2022-25 Task Group
The meeting on Monday 15th November doubled up as the help desk, specifically geared to young people. Several turned up and although some helpers found – some have also returned to home countries. Particularly a young man resident in Pareton who has ideas on security issues. A further young persons meeting scheduled for 10 January. Spanish lessons on offer from at a rate of €20 for 8 lessons per month.
NJ wished to express special thanks to Faye Peeters, Larna Dayson and Kaden Dayson for giving us their time to talk about how we can help with facilities for young people here on Camposol. Also, thanks to Pedro Mendez for coming along to share has thoughts on the security situation here on Camposol. The meeting also thanked Andy Peeters for translating the recent notices about the meeting into French German and Flemish. It is important that we try to make as many of our announcements available in as many languages as possible.
We learned about some of the things that used to be available for young people here, such as the Leo’s, brownies, music and dance and kids fun club. It seemed that these activities relied heavily on input from individuals and once they moved on, in one way or another, the activities stopped and have not been supported since then. We also tried to understand what is needed and it seems that smaller communities such as El Pareton, have more facilities than Camposol and many of the young people use those, along with their friends.
There is simply nothing for young people to do on Camposol and it will not be an easy task to reverse this and bring things back to the urbanisation. However, with the voices of the young people we hope to be able to make some progress. A lot of ideas were discussed and in the first instance we would like to organise a day of activities and the type of activities should be decided by the young people themselves. We appreciate that there are different age groups and nationalities and we will aim to be inclusive. Some of the ideas discussed were, skateboarding, music and dance, rollerblading, table tennis, drawing and street art. we also discussed mixing together different games from different countries as well as food from the nationalities on Camposol.
We would like to see more young people come to future meetings and Kaden and Larna will try to bring more along to the next meeting, which given the upcoming holidays and inability to use the social centre will be in January. The next meeting to deal with these issues will take place on Monday 10th January at 3.30pm .
We did discuss the offer of Spanish lessons from Triana Medina, and although the general view is that it is a good offer, we don’t have enough information at this stage to identify what is needed and what age groups could take advantage of the this. We will keep in touch with Triana as we move forward.
NJ to work on the flyer. Last help desk projected to be 29 November and restart in the new year. Costa Cálida article prepared and will be included in December circulation.
At the next meeting in January We should aim to come away with a date for the young peoples day, as well as identifying the activities that will take place and to understand how we are going to reach as wide an audience as possible.
The Camposol 2025 project has been invited onto the Ruma Jordan show on 6th December on Costa Calida International radio, to discuss the project. It was agreed that Alison and Nigel will represent the project. The subject is on the agenda for the next CRA committee meeting on 22nd November.
- Strategy – AF document previously circulated
To be discussed and tidied GC has raised questions on the calculations. Basically is the Committee happy with the way ideas can come together within this living document. Fund Raising plan and subscription plan are two separate issues.
Help desk this morning raised €26 from the lucky dip tub. Enquiries generally surrounded the reason for the Task Group and positive interest generated.
- Draft Fund Raising Plan 2022-25
AL has been in touch with Cloud Nine to do a Murder Mystery
To be circulated separately.
- Reports from the Gardening Groups
Nothing to report
- Any Other Business
- Proposed Change of Venue for Future Meetings
Change back to Golf Club. 2.30
Meeting closed at 17.05
Suggested dates of next meeting : n/a