Minutes of Committee Meeting

Monday, 8 November 2021, 2.30pm

Camposol Social Centre, Sector B

Present :

Phil Gelling [Chairman] (PG); Jayne Miller [Secretary] (CJM); Colin Barton [Treasurer] (CB);  Gordon Cockburn (GC);  Tracey Comper (TC):  Alan Fleming (AF);  Dave Jackson (DJ);   Nigel Jones (NJ);  Alison Lister (AL)

  1. Apologies for Absence

None received

  1. Minutes of previous meeting

Minutes of Committee Meeting held Monday, 11 October 2021, were approved as circulated, proposed GC; seconded NJ; and signed by the Chairman

  1. Matters Arising

Nothing arising not covered by the agenda

  1. Treasurer’s Report

Current bank account stands at €9703.05, PayPal Account €63.30 and cash in hand €243.73 giving a total of €10 010.08. This reflects expenditure in the month of €308.19 balanced by donations of €45 and €1000.    Once current legal fees are paid, this will leave a bank balance of some  €7000.

  1. Report from Membership Secretary

Current membership stands at 1359 members but some adjustment required two members have sold their properties.   It was noted how much it is appreciated such notification in order to keep records up to date.

  1. Registration of the Association

This cannot be renewed until an AGM/EGM has approved the updated Committee and Officers.  At this time the position is that previous and resigning Committee members have secured replacements and additional support, as provided for in the Constitution.

  1. Arrangements for AGM – approval of present Committee

There is still a major problem holding an AGM since there is no way of knowing how many will attend.  The last AGM was attended by very few and numbers have been dwindling since the 2016 AGM attended by some 300-400.

Possible locations include the Cultural Centre and the Golf Club but these may be too restrictive.  AL offered to approach Marianos to establish some dates and costs in order that a more definitive introduction to the AGM may be included in the next Newsletter.

It was noted that the previous AGMs each candidate had presented a paragraph ‘CV’ as introduction to their candidacy.

CJM to review the Constitution and provide allocation of roles within the existing Committee in preparation for the AGM, to be available for the next meeting.

  1. Website

PG has reviewed the website with Laurence of Costa Cálida and circulated some UTubes videos.  The next step is to arrange a meeting for training purposes.

CB has advised of the ability to set up ‘button’ for donation through Paypal on the website, to be implemented as soon as possible.

There appeared to be several opportunities to include adverts on the website, such as Forget-Me-Not etc. Details of size of copy required.

  1. Progress of C Team

PG has put together skeleton newsletter based on information from Gerado and the Task Group.  Gerado has edited the document previously circulated and according to feedback there is general approval for PG to proceed with circulation.

The C Team has suggested a budget of some €20k per year excluding any requirement for a legal case.   It was noted that members need to be made aware of the monies spent to date on this project as well as future requirements.

Gerardo had offered free consultation sessions with the C Team – a once only offer of 20min sessions. The invite to residents should include a questionnaire:  name, contact details and summary of the enquiry;  which should be forwarded to Gerardo who could choose the most appropriate cases to be monitored with a committee member in attendance to manage the session

  1. Newsletter

The audience of residents needs to be kept up to date – therefore newsletter should be timed as and when there is information to impart. Aim to do something general at least every two months, ideally subject-based.  It was noted that there is a lot of information which needs to be disseminated.

AGM must be a separate communication detailing date and location – the latter can be determined once an audience can be estimated and dates available.

A Newsletter should explain offer of consultation and condition of offer (limited offer).  This is a positive service on behalf of residents and hopefully something which could be offered again as a particular benefit to subscribing residents once a fee structure is agreed.. NJ to draft and circulate for approval, including sending to Gerado for his approval.

  1. Report of 2022-25 Task Group

The ‘help desk’ has been operational for four weeks, some positive responses but also some not so. It had been sited at the space available in front of Diner but it is hoped to move location as and when possible.

Each week there has been an aim to theme subjects:  Health; Security; and Young People.  Today was themed around Young People.  It was noted that there are not many facilities for young people outside school, therefore next Monday afternoon the Task Group session will be devoted to youngsters, hoping to get them in attendance to discuss way forward.

The Team has recruited Avril and Bev to assist.

It had been mentioned how ‘British’ the area is and many of other nationalities feel somewhat ‘isolated’ and some integration would be welcome.   Some improvements could be made to communicate cross community celebrations.

  1. Draft Fund Raising Plan 2022-25

AF had drafted and circulated the document during the previous week and acknowledged bias toward a membership fee which it is estimated to bring in the best funds to meet funding for C Team and to pay for admin help desk etc.  It was generally considered that a fee based on €30 per year was a good base.   If this is agreed, then website should be used as a tool with a section of the website specific for members, with any relevant news/possible offers, thereby only available to subscribed members.  If the introduction of a fee subscription results in numbers reducing (possibly drastically) then there should be a drive for new members.

It was anticipated that fundraising should be split into two, some earmarked for specific projects and for specific task groups such as help desk, legal/admin work. Two teams are needed to develop plans with management nominated for each event and consequent management of funding/funds.

Suggested some thought be given to rates and possible discounts and reasons for subscription – obtain trader discounts. Clear communication to residents on what we are doing and for what purpose.

All members of the committee happy to move forward with the draft document circulated.  It was once again noted that as subscribed organisation we are able to apply for funding

Requirement is to balance membership and membership fee. Needs to be taken forward to AGM with clear proposals from the Committee.

PG noted that the discount scheme previously run had met contraversional  comments notably vying with CDip and many traders withdrew their support.

  1. Security

ADG have withdrawn services

  1. Reports from the Gardening Groups

Nothing to report

  1. Any Other Business

CB queried whether the Help Desk would appreciate handouts on a general basis as well as specifically themed.  He circulated an example of what BClean have available, at a cost of €59.  Attendee at desk has offered to do translations

AL apologized for failing to arrange fund raising events and does have many items for raffle and suggested putting a couple of tubs on the Help Desk during December at a charge of say €3 for a ‘dip’.

AF queried CRA position on CoOs, suggested inviting Gerardo to meeting to explain the legal position.  Lawyers have still not released title deeds.  Investigation of outstanding legal cases is already in hand and of course this is one of the specific tasks of the C Team.

Rambla position is part of the discussions of the various meetings held with several political parties to move forward re-routing and repairs.  It has already been stated that nothing further will happen with the infrastructure on Camposol until the Rambla situation is resolved.

As no meeting had been held in a year with Ayuntamiento and Silvana has not been invited to a meeting and AF proposed, NJ seconded that Silvana be invited to part of the next meeting. CJM to request her attendance at, say 4pm for an hour thus leaving half an hour or so at the beginning for some of the general Committee business.

Meeting closed at 17.30

Date of next meeting  :  22 November 2021