Minutes of AGM
First Call 15.00,
Commenced 15.32, 15 June 2022
At Mariano’s Restaurant, Camposol Sector A
Present : Phil Gelling (PG) [Chairman]
Jayne Miller (CJM) [Secretary]; Colin Barton (CB) [Treasurer]; Gordon Cockburn (GC) [Membership Secretary];
Guests : Gerardo Vazquez (GV); Maura Hillen (MH); Pedro Rivera (PR)
20 members
Apologies for Absence
Wayne Blow and Angela Skinner (co-opted committee members)
- Approval of Minutes
Minutes of the AGM meeting held 22 June 2019, having been circulated, were approved.
- Chairman’s Report
Here we are again almost 3 years since the Regional Commission Report was produced. Due to Covid restrictions over the past couple of years and due to the lack of significant investment by the Town Hall in fixing the problems of Camposol we still have work to do.
The Town Hall have provided a children’s play area and a five-a-side football court which the residents are pleased about and are now beginning to use them as Covid restrictions have more or less been lifted.
Unfortunately there are still lots of issues to be resolved
- Lighting on Public Highways
- Pot holes and crumbling surfaces on Public Highways
- Unusable Public Highways
- Raised man hole covers on Public Highways
- Pruning and maintenance of plants on Public Highways
- Public Library
- Local Town Hall facility for use by residents
- More police presence to tackle burglaries
I have deliberately left out Community Ownership because this I believe is a contentious subject due to the urbanisation not being completed by the developer and the fact that residents were never made aware of this subject when purchasing property. We have had conflicting views over the years as this subject came to light.
I have also not mentioned private roads as this is related to Community Ownership and responsibility.
There are many more issues on Camposol that need to be tackled. The biggest being the Rambla situation on D sector where there are over 500 possibly 600 houses built on Government Land. This was one of the issues that the Town Hall was charged with rectifying along with the CHS and the Region. 5/6 plans later no action. So 3 years wasted and still a danger to life, property and ownership.
There are also a few areas around Camposol where homes are either abandoned or falling down due to either underground streams or subsidence.
We, that is the CRA, have taken many actions to get these situations rectified with little or no joy despite weeks or months or years of tackling the politicians, the courts or the administrations.
We have therefore had to go and recruit a team of people from Andulucia who have had some excellent success in Andalucia.
Unfortunately, this means that over the years we have had to meet legal bills and expenses for using experts in the ongoing struggle to get things fixed. Those funds were gained in preceding years through appeals and fund raising. Now we are asking for a regular subscription so we know with clarity how much we can spend and on what challenge.
I would also like to point out that I am not happy that there are people on Camposol that disagree with what the CRA does and as a result say things to discriminate against the organisation. Some of the people and some of the organisations that caused all the issues and problems have left the area a long time ago but there are still organisations that have been implicated In the Regional Commissions report produced in 2019. I refer to the Town Hall, the Region and the CHS. On the basis that those organisations still exist we want justice to have the problems resolved.
I would like to list all the things we have tried but would suggest you go to our website www.camposolresidents.es as I do not want to end up with an aching wrist.
Thank you for reading this or listening to me.
Phil Gelling
- Statement of Accounts
Presented by CB who discussed some of the major areas of expenditure resulting in the seriously depleted level of funds in the light of which the email ballot had been undertaken at the end of December 2021 as a consequence of which the subscription basis of membership had been implemented.
Camposol Residents Association
Financial statement for the period 1st January 2021 to 31st May 2022
Assets as at 01.01.2021 Bank Account 14,505.62 €,Pay Pal Account 63.30 €,Petty Cash 461.10 € Total Assets: 15,030.02 €
Workspace 88.40 €
Advice/Costs 11,635.57 €
Website Maintenance 695.74 €
Meetings/Room Hire 243.40 €
Bank Charges 165.66 €
Sundries: Locksmith / Printing {Correos/Translations {Bridge Survey { 1,498.15 €
Total Costs: 14,326.92 €
Balance of Assets: 703.10 €
Income: Donations: 1,165.00 €
Subscriptions: 134.95 € Total Income: 1,299.95 €
Total Assets: 2,003.05 €
Bank Account: 1,718.96 €
Pay Pal Account: 198.55 €
Petty Cash: 85.54 € 2,003.05 €
- Election of Committee Members
GC outlined the votes which had been received concerning the basis of subscriptions. The first mailing had coincided with Christmas therefore the result was deferred until March. The final result was that 77.14% voted for Option A; 19.64% B and 3.21% Option C. From this we took the mandate for option A – a subscription of €36pa in respect of which for the current year a pro rata figure of €21 would cover each ;subscribing household.
Communication with members is a problem area – many claim not to have received emails although the CRA uses a system which shows when emails are delivered, and indeed opened. Obviously many may fall into ’junk’ and we can only recommend members take care to ensure CRA are flagged as ‘not for deletion’ Current membership is 1432 – this is a sizeable number to monitor and it is disappointing that many who have obviously changed email address and/or phone number do not advise and keep us updated.
Voting for the committee to stand for another two year was – 18 ballot papers handed in at the meeting plus 6 by email. All 24 were to accept the current committee plus two new co-opted members, as follows :
Chairman : P Gelling
Secretary : C J Miller
Treasurer : C Barton
Membership Secretary
/Vice President : G Cockburn
Committee A Skinner
W L Blow
- Approved Questions
PG introduced the guests who are part of the C Team advising the CRA : Maura Hillen, who worked on European Petitions Committee and solved similar problems to those of Camposol in the Andalucia Region with an organisation AUN; Gerardo and Pedro members of the team are the other legal ‘experts’ who have been helping.
Gerardo first showed the map with the CHS land highlighted where properties are illegally built on land within the ownership of Mazarrón Ayuntamiento or on land directly effected by the rambla.
He described how there had been many similar cases in Andalucia where properties were eventually demolished despite appeals to many levels of jurisdiction. He showed photographs of various properties where demolition orders had been placed and described how the team had protested in Almeria in particular, when 1000 or so marched to protest at the Ayuntamiento.
He was keen to point out that the situation with the rambla can be resolved – it is now at an advanced stage – there is a route agreed with CHS and it needs to be agreed with the Ayuntamiento. On 31 May Mazarron had requested funding and between CHS, Region and Mazarron the issue should be resolved. This needs to be pursued and pressure placed the various parties. Despite the low numbers in attendance he pointed out that this showed a commitment to improving Camposol and therefore everyone should spread the word to the rest of the residents.
Maura continued with the description of the ways in which they approached matters in Andalucia. Camposol is rather different, in that the main issue is unfinished infrastructure which was not the case in Andalucia.
Firstly they had taken steps to clearly understand the problem and then assess the steps which would be required. This indeed is what the CRA has done – having approached the ‘C Team’ So that we can investigate the position and advise the CRA and residents on the best approaches.
Maura described how they changed a national law stating that property could not be demolished without appropriate recompense. This was taken back to also Regional legislation. They had obtained correct advice of what the obligations of property ownership are and how to work within those obligations. She emphasised the importance of engaging within the Spanish system to get things done, in the Spanish way. This is exactly how things need to be done in Camposol.
Another important element for residents to remember, is to register to vote in local elections. It is essential that your voice is heard, the more there are, the louder they will be. Despite the fact that political parties will make promises at election time, do not be taken in by the promises made which often are not fulfilled. Once political parties take notice of the voting focus. Then the votes should be bartered for something tangible. Even votes of foreign residents can swing matters and emphasis within the ayuntamiento.
Funding the rambla was introduced by PP but supported by all parties but they knew it had come from CRA and important to a vast number of residents.
Voter registration campaign should be supported by CRA particularly to promote Camposol matters. We are not pushing enough to be heard at the ayuntamiento.
AUN learned many things along the way and this is the message Maura wishes to convey – to learn by our mistakes and how best to do things.
As per Gerardo protest marches do have an effect in that people notice – or stand outside the town hall to bring matters to the attention of press/television. PG this is why we have been to Senate region etc
Pedro Rivera – solicitor working for 20 years – some 15 years with Gerardo and Maura. He lives in Murcia and well knows the problems in Camposol. The 4000 residents need to be coordinated with ongoing plans to work towards what needs to be sorted. Top problem is the rambla. There does appear to be a remedy accepted by the CHS. The only way to make them move is to transfer the problem to them. We need to sit them down and make them understand – if they see CRA are moving more strongly they will see the threat and will see the necessity to take action. Pedro closed by saying that if you know how to move together and take action you will have more effect.
Gerardo closed by reminding everyone that the CRA had taken effective steps regarding recent problems with the bridge, obtaining a surveyor’s report resulting in the eventual repair of the bridge.
Richard Jilly – Agreed that as an organisation the residents need to be noticed. He noted that Gerardo had mentioned a possible march and demonstration at the ayuntamiento. However, as numbers of those interested are so low, as demonstrated by the attendance at the meeting – this is not unusual – apathy is rampant. He quoted that many say it is a waste of time and will not work, many have given up as ‘nothing works’. How do we turn this apathy around? Backing of residents is not really behind CRA – how do we change that so that Region and Town Hall see that we are working for all
Maura – we started in one area of illegal housing 12000 but only 700 took action. Be blunt – if they are apathetic they will get nothing – start with a core of committed people. Those residents with problems should band together – if residents are not committed to taking action and pressurising then nothing will happen. Residents will have to contribute the membership fees to fund the advice and activities.
A clear strategy is required to convince residents that by pressure things WILL get done. Make the Camposol problem a Mazarrón problem. This is now the challenge of the CRA to give one more attempt at getting things done.
David Bushell : We live on D sector – the road is deplorable. There is quoted €800k for repair to the dual carriageway. We have approximately €3million ringfenced.
It has been said it will be done this year but 500k has previously been set aside for Camposol and nothing happened.
No street lights – Iberdrola workmen have been seen cutting wires. – town hall have said that it is residents doing this but it has been countered by saying it was Iberdrola. No further response has been received from Mazarrón.
Some meters have been shown to be passing power without correct connection.
Pressure needs to be brought on Mazarrón. Send registered letter to ayuntamiento asking for the matter to be dealt with.
If anyone experiences damage as a result of poor roads/lighting then claim should be made against the ayuntamiento, again with registered letter.
CRA have followed processes in these matters not only locally but also to the Region as well as national Government
Questioner: What has happened to the €2.8 million. Gerardo confirmed that a formal claim has been made to the town hall to have a say in the expenditures. The town hall are delaying but following another enquiry yesterday, they advise there will be a response within a month. Money is held by the town hall for use solely within Camposol and we are endeavouring to ensure we have an overseeing role.
Tony Dwyer : I appreciate all the interesting information from this meeting and more than aware of the apathy. One thing we could do is to have a voting station on Camposol?
Polling stations are a dictated by the State but maybe this is something which could be investigated.
Gerardo is trying to obtain details of the Pleno attended by PG and these will be circulated
Someone asked about subscriptions – CB explained that the website highlights ways in which monies can be paid. CB also happy to take money at the end of the meeting.
Questioner: What happens if the rambla moved – many houses are on public land and many on that designated as affected by rambla.
Many houses are affected and until new plans are published this is not something we can be accurate about.
Some of the differing options were described – PG pointed out that although it may sometimes appear the CRA is doing nothing we are working hard and working hard in the background.
PG thanked all for their attendance and urged everyone to pass on information from the meeting to their neighbours and reiterated need to register to vote since the campaigns for next elections will be starting soon.
Meeting Closed at 16.49