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The BORM publishes the final approval of the regulation of the Los Palacios de Camposol social center

The purpose of this regulation is to specify the uses allowed in the facilities, norms of adequate coexistence and its sanctioning regime.
The BORM of this Friday publishes the announcement of the definitive approval of the Internal Regulations of the Los Palacios de Camposol social center, whose main purpose is to specify the uses allowed in the facilities, rules of adequate coexistence, and a sanctioning regime that guarantees the fulfillment of the indicated questions; thus contributing to greater efficiency and legal certainty in the operation of the center.

    The resolution of the plenary session in July was raised to definitive due to the absence of claims, against this agreement an appeal for reconsideration may be filed before the plenary session of this City Council within a period of one month from this publication in the BORM, or, an administrative contentious appeal before the Superior Court of Justice of Murcia, within two months from that same publication.

    The Municipal Social Center of Camposol as a public establishment destined to be the dynamic and open meeting point for all people individually or in an associative way, who live in the Camposol area, as well as in the entire municipality of Mazarrón, has as main objectives to promote coexistence, solidarity and mutual help; participation in social and community life; relations with the rest of the population of the municipal term; training, health promotion, cultural development and occupation of free time; and in general, any activity that promotes the improvement of the quality of life of the neighbours.


“Regulation of Internal Regime of the Social Center” Los Palacios “of Camposol
Explanatory Memorandum
The Social Center” Los Palacios “of Camposol currently lacks regulations of internal regime, having deemed necessary their preparation and approval in order to guarantee the timely use of the facilities and adequate citizen coexistence.

In this way, the priority objective pursued with the approval and promulgation of the Internal Regulations of the Social Center “Los Palacios” in Camposol is none other than specifying the uses allowed in the facilities, some rules of adequate coexistence, and a sanctioning regime that guarantees compliance with the issues mentioned; thus contributing to greater efficiency and legal certainty in the operation of the center.

Chapter I
Los Palacios de Camposol Social Center
Article 1.- Purpose and scope of application.
The purpose of these Internal Regulations is to regulate the basic aspects of the organization and operation of the Social Center “Los Palacios” in Camposol.
Article 2.- Definition of the center and general objectives.
The Municipal Social Center of Camposol is constituted as a public establishment destined to be the dynamic and open meeting point for all people, individually or in an associative way, who live in the Camposol area, as well as in the entire municipality of Mazarrón , having as main objectives:
– Promote coexistence, solidarity and mutual help.
– Promote participation in social and community life.
– Promote relations with the rest of the population of the municipal term.
– Promote training, health promotion, cultural development and occupation of free time.
– And in general, any activity that promotes the improvement of the quality of life of the neighbors.
Article 3.- Ownership of the center.
The ownership of the Social Center “Los Palacios” de Camposol corresponds to the Mazarrón City Council, which by the principle of public responsibility, assumes the supervision and coordination of the same, depending functionally on the Camposol Department of the Mazarrón City Council, or in which it is established by the competent bodies.
Article 4.- Fundamental principles.
The Los Palacios de Camposol Social Center in Mazarrón will provide its facilities under the principles of respect for the individuality of users and the right to autonomy and participation.
Article 5.- Coordination with other services.
The Social Center “Los Palacios” de Camposol in Mazarrón will work in a coordinated manner with other public resources, thus guaranteeing the proper use of them, complementing its personal and technical benefits.
Chapter II
General operating rules
Article 6.- Schedule.
The schedule of the Social Center will be established based on the activities carried out in its facilities, and there must at all times be a forecast and communication to the Department of Camposol (or the one in which ownership is established) of the need for use , for a correct coordination between the different users who can use the Center.
Article 7.- Coexistence.
Users must respect the rules of coexistence, mutual respect, safety and hygiene in all the dependencies of the Center and in the activities carried out.
Activities that may cause discomfort to other users of the Center should be avoided.
To this end, the rules of use of the various dependencies, established in these Regulations or by the Department to which the Center or person delegated by it is assigned, must be respected.
Article 8.- Use of spaces.
The various units of the Center are used for specific purposes and activities. Do not carry out activities outside the appropriate places that do not correspond.
The existing furniture in the Social Center, in the common areas (kitchen, living room, corridor, outdoor spaces, reception, etc.) will be for the use of all the people who attend the Center, so no element can be put in them that prevents access or use to the rest of the users, with the exception of the existing cabinets in the common areas that have been assigned only and exclusively to store the necessary material to carry out the activities carried out in the Center.
There will be a maximum of two cabinets to store the material used in each of the activities carried out at the Center.
At the end of each activity, all the material used in them must be properly collected in the space provided for it, leaving the rest of the existing furniture in the facilities free of obstacles so that the correct performance of any other activity can be carried out.
Pets are not allowed on the premises of the Center, except for exceptional reasons that are previously authorized by the Department to which the Center is attached.
Article 9.- Personnel.
The personnel who perform their functions (official, labor or external personnel), must offer and receive the maximum respect. Users must follow their directions. Complaints will be addressed directly to the Camposol Department or to the one to which the Center is attached, through the corresponding Complaints Sheet or email that is available for it.
Article 10.- Management of the center and functions.
The management of the Social Center corresponds to the Mayor’s Office, which may delegate to the Delegate Councilor of Camposol or that council to which the Center is attached, corresponding to the following functions:
– Save and enforce the rules of the Center mandatory.
– Exercise the representation of the Center.
– Apply the provisions concerning the tasks, operation, objectives and purpose of the Center.
– Ensure the maintenance of the rules of coexistence and mutual respect.
– Those others that were legally or regulatory entrusted to it in relation to the purpose of the Center.
Article 11.- Complaints, claims and suggestions.
Users who wish to present complaints or claims about any aspect of the operation or activities, may send it through the Complaint Sheets that they will have at their disposal and direct them to the Camposol Department or that department to which it is attached. the center.
They will be able to make any type of suggestions that tend to improve the coexistence and quality of life of the Center through the mailbox placed at the entrance of the Center for this purpose.
Chapter III
Rules of coexistence
Article 12.- Rules of coexistence for the use of the facilities.
1. All residents have the right to participate in the activities organized in the Center.
2. The use of the premises of the center for private interests will not be allowed.
3. The City Council staff will be in charge of carrying out and maintaining the cleaning and maintenance of the Center’s facilities.
4. It will not be allowed to introduce any food or other element that has a negative impact on hygiene or cleanliness, unless it has been previously authorized by the Department.
5. Smoking will not be allowed inside the facilities, or the use of devices that pose a fire risk.
6. At the end of any activity, maximum attention will be paid to ensuring that all windows are properly closed and the air conditioning is turned off.
7. The areas for the common enjoyment of the users, such as the living room, the kitchen and outdoor spaces, etc., will be used for those activities that are their own and with respect to the hours and operating rules that are determined.
8. The furniture and furnishings of the center will be used appropriately for their destination, being responsible for their correct use, communicating immediately any damage that occurs due to any activity carried out in the center. The communication of such incident will be made to the Department or person in whom it is delegated.
9. Gambling or activities with lucrative results are not allowed.
10. Only the Delegate Councilor or the person to whom he / she delegates, is the person authorized to make instructions or verbally admonish those who do not properly respect the order, coexistence or facilities of the Center, in accordance with the provisions of the these Internal Regulations.
11. Everyone is expected to cooperate and participate fully to achieve the general objectives of the Center:
– Promote coexistence, solidarity and mutual help.
– Promote participation in social and community life.
– Promote relations with the rest of the population of the municipal term.
– Promote training, health promotion, cultural development and occupation of free time.
– And in general, any activity that promotes the improvement of the quality of life of the neighbors.
12. The emergency exits, the fire extinguishers and the defibrillator will be left free of any obstacle and will be visible from any point of view of each room.
13. All advertisements placed in the Center will be related to the activities carried out there, not allowing companies or entities to offer their services there.
14. In everything that affects the operating regime and for which there is no general rule, the Department of the Center will have criteria for action, making them known to all users of the center.
Chapter IV
Rights and duties of users / associations
Article 13.- Rights.
1.- Participate in the activities organized in the Center.
2.- Actively collaborate in the promotion of solidarity and mutual help among the partners.
3.- Receive general information in relation to the aspects that concern him and be informed of the security measures and the Evacuation and Emergency Plan.
4.- To be treated with absolute consideration by the staff of the Center and the rest of the users.
5.- To participate in the dynamics of the center, in the manner determined by regulation.
6.- To the presentation of complaints due to defects in the operation, by means of claims directed to the Camposol Department or the one to which the Center is attached.
Article 14.- Duties.
1.- Respect and facilitate coexistence in terms of schedules and activities.
2.- Correct use of the facilities, furniture and equipment of the Center.
3.- Know and comply with the provisions of this Internal Regulation and other provisions that develop it.
4.- Communicate well in advance the need to reserve the common spaces for carrying out any activity to the Department on which the Center depends.
5.- Respect the proper use of the facilities and resources of the center, being at the user’s expense the damages and damages caused by their negligence, both to the facilities and to the other users.
6.- The person in charge of each of the associations that carry out their activities in the Center must sign in the entry and exit book, if it is at their disposal, indicating the time of entry to and exit from the center. .
7.- Do not leave the material used in the different activities outside the closet destined for its storage.
8.- The opening and closing of the Center, in accordance with the established schedule, will correspond to the person / s authorized for this purpose.
9.- To inform the Department of any anomalies or irregularities they observe in its operation.
Chapter V
Penalty regime, classification of infractions
Article 15.- Penalty regime.
Users who by action or omission cause alterations in the Center, disrupt the regime of coexistence of the same, disrespect other users, relatives or people who for any reason are there will be responsible for the damages caused, without prejudice of the civil or criminal liability that they may incur and that is required of them before the competent Courts and Tribunals.
Article 16.- Classification.
Violations are classified as minor, serious and very serious.
16.1.- The following are minor offenses:
a) Altering the internal rules of coexistence and mutual respect, creating situations of discomfort in the Center.
b) Inappropriate use of the Center’s facilities and resources.
c) Failure to respect the schedules of other associations to carry out the activities organized in advance.
d) Smoking inside any of the Center’s facilities.
16.2.- The following are serious offenses:
a) Having been sanctioned for three minor offenses in the two years prior to the commission of the offense.
b) To utter insults, threats, coercion, insults or slander against the rest of users, staff or any other person related to the Center.
c) Violation of the rules contained in the Center’s Internal Regulations, except when they constitute minor offenses.
d) The theft of goods or any kind of objects owned by the Center, the staff or any user.
e) Produce serious, intentional or inexcusable negligence damage to the Center’s facilities, furniture or belongings.
f) Carry out activities for profit.
16.3.- The following are very serious offenses:

a) Having been penalized for committing three serious offenses in the two years prior to the commission of the offense.
b) Insults, insults or slanders, if they are propagated with publicity, physical attacks or serious physical or mental abuse to other users, staff of the Center or any other person related to it or its activities.
c) The misappropriation of property belonging to the Center, users or staff that cause serious damage.
d) Causing serious damage or damage to the center’s assets or to its coexistence.
Article 17.- Sanctions.
Without prejudice to the other civil or criminal responsibilities that may
arise due to the infractions incurred by the users, contained in the previous article, the sanctions that may be imposed will be the following: 17.1.- Sanctions for minor infractions.
– Private verbal or written warning.
17.2.- Penalties for serious infractions.
– Temporary expulsion from the center for a period of less than a month.
17.3.- Penalties for very serious offenses.
– Temporary expulsion for a period of one to six months.
– Definitive expulsion.
Article 18.- Criteria.
Once the infractions have been qualified, the sanctions will be graduated according to the degree of intentionality or negligence, the attitude towards coexistence, the seriousness or significance of the facts; to the samples of repentance and consequent reparation of the damages of all kinds that it may have produced.
The minor infractions sanctions will prescribe after two months, the serious ones after six months and the very serious ones after the year. The limitation period will begin to run from the day the offense was committed.
Article 19.- Communication.
The initiation of the sanctioning procedure to punish the infractions will be communicated in writing to the users and / or legal representative so that within a period not exceeding 15 days they can present the corresponding allegation.
A maximum period of 3 months is established to respond from the Department and initiate the sanctioning process.
Chapter VI
Modification of the Regulations and Entry into Force
Article 20.- Modification.
The Local Government Board of the Mazarrón City Council is empowered to dictate the development provisions of these Regulations.
Article 21.- Entry into force.
This Regulation will come into force once the period of fifteen days referred to in article 65.2 of the Regulatory Law of the Bases of Local Regime has elapsed, after publication in the Official Gazette of the Region of Murcia ”.
Mazarrón, October 9, 2020. The Mayor-President, Gaspar Miras Lorente.