Minutes of the Camposol Residents’ Association Committee Meeting held at the Social Centre Camposol on Saturday 20 July 2019. The meeting opened at 10.30 am with Chairman Mr Philip Gelling presiding with two members present.
Mr Phil Gelling Chairman
Mr David Shackleford Secretary/Treasurer
Mr Gordon Cockburn Member
Mr Rob Humphreys Membership secretary
Minute 1. Minutes from the previous meeting taken read. All agreed.
Minute 2. The chairman suggested that the membership questionnaire was too lengthy in the provision of personal detail. The chairman will publish a new questionnaire which will be forwarded it to all members for their comment. All agreed.
Minute 3. The chairman spoke on the matter of recruitment for new committee members. The committee welcomed two new members:
Mr John McCracken, Mr Dave Redford and Mr Colin Barton.
In addition it was announced that Mr Gordon Cockburn will be the new membership secretary once he has taken over the reins from Rob Humphreys, who has volunteered to take up a new post as Media Secretary.
Item 4. The chairman has volunteered to write the insert for the monthly magazine and the media secretary to be responsible for all other communications.
Item 5. The newly appointed membership secretary is to update the membership database in liaison with the outgoing secretary.
Item 6. The chairman spoke on the importance of maintaining a strong relationship with international representatives on matters that concern the residents of Camposol.
Item 7. It was agreed that all members and residents should be made aware, that any liaison by the CRA with PSOE and the town hall would be purely for the purposes of ongoing and future projects.
Item 8. The chairman notified the committee that he and John McCracken would visit the CRA solicitor regarding outstanding legal cases and report the findings on the next meeting.
Item 9. The chairman and members of the committee are to meet with the local mayor and the Camposol representative at 10.00 am on Tuesday 23 July 2019 to discuss outstanding issues and future projects. Results of the discussions will be related to the committee at its next meeting.
Item 10. It was agreed that the relationship with other charities and organisations would be purely on a liaison basis.
Item 11. The chairman suggested that the CRA may wish to fund a particular project for the benefit of the Camposol residents. It was agreed that this subject should be discussed at the meeting with the mayor.
Item 12. It was decided that the subject of future initiatives be postponed to a future date.
Item 13. The issue of the cabin and other assets are to be discussed at a future date.
Item 14. The committee were informed that keys to the cultural centre were held by the chairman and the secretary.
Item 15. It was agreed that a new venue for CRA meetings, the storage of archived data and the provision of office furniture is be investigated.
Item 16. The treasure requested an annual sum of 100 Euros be authorised for the purchase of office sundries. The grant of this sum was proposed by the Chairman and seconded by the Membership secretary with all members in agreement.
Item 17. It was decided that the next committee meeting will be at 2.00 pm on Monday 19th August at a venue to be decided.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 15.30pm.