Minutes of Committee Meeting
Tuesday, 9 April 2024 at Camposol Golf Club
Present : Phil Gelling (PG) [Chairman]; Jayne Miller (JM) [Secretary]; Peter Adams (PA); Paul Oldfield (PO); Helen Rooke (HR)
Apologies for Absence – Karen Oldfield; Wayne Blow
1. Background of calling meeting
Following PG enquiry, made as an open message on ‘social media’, for residents to suggest how best CRA could move forward there had been little response. His purpose had been to find out what interest residents are prepared to express in maintaining their surroundings. Unfortunately there had been only 50 responses, which is probably not enough to actively represent Camposol residents and push forward with projects which need to be addressed.
Current finances are bank – €2700; PayPal €. Against this needs to be set the amount owed to Gerardo which he is currently requesting €3000 although this is not the total amount owed which is in the region of €25 000.
A Zoom meeting had been scheduled for later in the day for PA and PG to discuss how Gerardo sees the groups woking together. He wants the three major groups on Camposol to join together. CRA trying to get big jobs completed while 2025 deal with smaller elements and the Business Association primarily focus on commercial requirements. The latter have jumped in quite recently – as business focussed they provide more income for Mazarrón. PA has met with president of Business Association, Julie in Compuserve.
All groups have a common aim – to finish Camposol for residents as well as businesses. PA is moving to meet with all Associations on Camposol with a request for support from them in driving forward and improving Camposol in conjunction with Ayuntamiento. Plainly this will involve working with Paul Drury and Julie.
2025 publicise that they will listen to residents nevertheless it sometimes appears that they do not heed expressed views.
PA reiterated he will contact all groups with the same message – that we want to make sure the Ayuntamiento progress and improve Camposol. All we need is ‘support’.
The feeling of the Committee is that there should be a re-birth and work with those few residents who are interested in pushing forward with improvements and completion of outstanding works. It was felt that the reason for low membership and interest from residents is that after so many years they have given up on
trying to push forward. We need to encourage residents to be interested in planning for a better future living on Camposol.
2 Membership and Committee Members
Following an open meeting as described providing the attendees are prepared to support the CRA we can arrange an AGM at which time nominations for Committee and administration posts may be ratified.
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HR tentatively agreed to consider a role as Treasurer although patently a membership secretary would be required to liaise closely with this role. AH had confirmed he is keen to assist with fund raising. In view of his other commitments this would not be a Committee role and if unable to attend a meeting he would be able to provide a briefing for consideration. It would be important to persuade WB to come to next meeting and continue with publicity.
The new Foreign Relations Councillor, Carmen, is to be invited to the next meetings and encouraged to take an interest in Camposol.
3. Financial Position
As summarised above lack of funds is a problem. Regular payments include GoDaddy for Webname registration, also Google and Murcia Today for website maintenance.
PG and JM to continue with signing off payments and any other banking detail. HR to take over record keeping on a temporary basis and position as Treasurer hopefully to be ratified at AGM.
4. What we do next
Recruitment meeting then AGM
Call open meeting – hold discussion about making everybody welcome to Camposol and make them aware of what we want to do – no discussions about historical issues but be clear that we need to plan for the future. In this way we can clearly identify to residents why there is a need to subscribe to CRA and be clear that assistance is required to more forward.
The meeting, inviting all current residents on Camposol, should be set with a clear agenda and rules stipulating we are going to be looking forward and that it will not be a meeting to complain about poor responses in the past. The meeting must determine a campaign and set objectives and targets.
It should be clearly stated that we required residents to listen to what we say – they will be invited to respond at the end. There should be no shouting out – notice to be given if you want to have a say Anyone who is not interested in pursuing re-birth and completing Camposol projects in an appropriate fashion will not be encouraged to take part. We want to move forward not backward, there will be no interest in discussing issues not properly addressed previously.
Treasurer/membership Secretary needed to keep track of payments and therefore members of the CRA – to keep track of payments out and understanding why are paying.
Open meeting with residents will be to establish what we are intending for the future and persuade people to join the CRA. The list of attendees should ensure that attendance is only of residents. The meeting will be essentially to recruit members and obtain Committee and Officer nominations. It will then be necessary to organise an AGM.
Write to Carmen to invite to next meeting : 8 May AGM
6. Date of next meeting – suggested dates
Open meeting 22 April – 4pm Mariano’s – PG to book AGM – 8 May – Mariano’s – PG to book Next Committee – 15 April, 11am at the Golf Club
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