Minutes the Committee Meeting at Sensol Golf Club, Camposol

Monday, 24 February 2020, 1400hrs

Present. : Chairman, Phil Gelling (PG)
Colin Barton (CB); Gordon Cockburn (GC); Rob Humphreys (RH); Jayne Miller (CJM);
David Shackleford (DS)

1. Apologies for Absence
D Redford. It was noted that D Gormley has resigned but no substitute has been found. CB to
approach M Poynton to request a representative from A Sector gardening group.

2. Minutes of the Meeting held 13 January 2020
Accepted as read and signed by the Chairman

3. Matters Arising
Nothing not covered by the agenda

4. Communities of Owners
There had been an informal discussion with an owner on C6, where there is a CoO, which
highlighted the difficulties of ensuring that all residents contribute properly. 98 Polygonos
Concerning liabilities for CoO, it was noted that it appeared Aqualia are in fact responsible for
pipes to boundary of property although there has been an assumption that they do not cover
private road where insurance would be required and the only other liability would be to connect
electricity and organise lighting. To manage the 98 polygonos could be quite a task.
Answers to the many questions were needed before recommendation could be made to the
membership to agree to CoO formation.

Possibly Campio former Mayor who required reduction of debt may be influencing Gaspar’s
approach since he appears to demand formation of CoOs before moving forward. Interest from
residents seems to have waned. Tenders out both for roads and lights as well as development of
recreational areas, will take some time before action is apparent.
It was suggested that in light of lack of answers we should delay attending Town Hall meeting and
an approach needs to be made to lawyers previously consulted indicating the number of
problems which have been raised.
GC to draft statement for website on lack of progress and the reasons.

5. Membership
Numbers currently 1055. Ballot to go out in due course.

6. Future Initiatives

All quiet – individual membership fee payment had been suggested which CRA members unlikely
to pay since they do not subscribe to CRA. Enquiries to be made as to the reason for subscription
– law cases or just administration? PG to follow up.

6.2. Meeting with Mayor and Silvana
To be postponed. PG will draft response to Silvana on the basis that we have concerns which have
not been resolved and if CoO is the only subject there are other issues we wish to discuss.

7. Spanish Classes
Class cancelled due to illness to as many as possible notified and notice placed on board in the
Centre. Numbers not being maintained – advanced is only 3 or 6 at best. Beginners and
intermediate doing well. €3 per head is not meeting the outgoings. Possibilities are cancel
advanced or increase charges. Advertise the fact that advanced class has spaces. Also attract
some more beginners.
Situation to be reviewed at Easter.

8. Issues from Gardening Groups
CB has approached Silvana about pruning without success. Approached recommendation from
GC and an excellent job has been undertaken. 4 days to complete the project of pruning 147
trees, including removal of rubbish. All indications of assistance from Silvana has been stopped.
The Group is still very shorthanded. CB to formulate an announcement for RH to put on website.
Presentation of donations to be organised, cheques are ready :
Each gardening group, MABS, Forget me not and Fast – PG to co-ordinate
DS outlined a scheme for recycling garden rubbish – charging for disposal as well as charging for
sale of resultant compost. DS requested to set out a formal proposal.

9. Any Other Business.

9.1. British Consulate Pop-Up
Nearest forthcoming is Lorca – only to be listed on website when local to Camposol

9.2. Ballot Membership
Not in a position to make any recommendation and will await outcome of legal advice

9.3. Round Table
PG to ask Gaspar when this will be commenced. Final signed document with all signatories still
not received.
Commission report is 14 recommendations, copy document from Paul only had six – missing
recommendations need to be identified.

9.4. Legal Advice / Strategy
JMc has circulated a paper and recommendations which covers many of the elements already
discussed in the meeting. Notably to progress resolution of Camposol problems through Europe.
Much information is confusing and there are several routes to follow, each is obstructed by
differing views and requirement to follow specific procedures. One of the areas difficult to
circumvent is avoiding corruption Murcia Transparente Agency had been of assistance despite
only a few years since foundation, however a death in the senior management and change of staff
had lead to them not being completely in the picture. Only recently there has been a meeting to
formulate structure of the Agency and means to pursue matters through this route.
Four lawyers had been consulted – two entirely unresponsive response awaited from others.
It was noted that appeal still outstanding on individual cases of fraud.

9.5. Governance of CRA

9.5.1. Registration of new Committee
All relevant documents received and everything ready to visit DS and PG to make appointment

9.5.2. Amendments to the Constitution
No comments in respect of the amended constitution which should be submitted to the AGM for

10. Any Other Business

Meeting closed 15.51
Date of the next meeting – 30 March 2020, 2pm at the Golf Club