Minutes of Zoom Meeting

Friday, 23 April 2021, 3pm
P Gelling [Chairman]
Jayne Miller [Secretary] (CJM); Gordon Cockburn [Treasurer] (GC); Colin Barton (CB);
Rob Humphries (RH); Nigel Jones (NJ)

1. Apologies for Absence
John Harris

2. Treasurer’s Report
GC to forward

3. Progress on ‘Responses’ / Deeds for Maura
Two sets of deed forwarded to Maura/
So far as responses are concerned, there is no change as from 17 February. PG intends to send a
follow-up to Senate to see how they are doing after review meeting.

4. Review of Replies to Newsletter from Members
Membership currently 1260. A good response received but no-one has come up with any ideas.
Quite a number are wanting us to do something but not a really large Majority responses are
home owners as opposed to holiday lets. Maura could review these and may come up with

5. Communications / Facebook
RH advised that there is a CRA Facebook page but is an extension of a personal page
PG thinks it is a valuable means of communication which of course can be blocked if necessary. It
provides a route for announcements and an option to refer enquiries elsewhere for responses.
NJ commented that provided it is a place to provide information – fine but alternatively this is not
where we want interactive conversations.

6. Town Hall Status / Questions we need answering
GC and PG attended meeting with Damien owner of Cost C Radio and his wife – GC Damien
surprised at poor responses from Silvana – it was difficult to obtain straight answers to specific
It was noted that the official Plan Parcial had still not been issued by the Ayuntamiento.

7. FoodBank / Community Shopping Bag Donation
NJ updated the position – there are some 20 residents supported by the Foodbank. All live on
Camposol. There are several different reasons for requiring support. Money raising continues
notably through events at The Diner and other donations. Fresh foods are paid from cash
donations, some €122 per week The system seems to be working Unfortunately details are not
being kept electronically so some elements are unclear. NJ continuing to try and keep track of
matters but rather difficult as a result of the lack of record keeping.

NJ had sent a message to Silvana concerning management in an endeavour to co-ordinate with
social services. Silvana setting up an appropriate meeting see how to log in to services which are

PG suggested we offer a donation to the service – perhaps €250 – since it would also be a good
means of publicity.

8. Registration of the Association / New Committee Members
No discussion

9. Delegation of Responsibilities
No discussion

10. Reports from the Gardening Groups
CB noted there are more advertising hoardings at the entrance, one of which is behind the
‘Welcome’ message. BClean have trees planted along there. In future years there will be a
problem ass they grow . When hedges in that area were planted in previous years, enquiries were
made as to ownership of the land for planting. It was probable that a licence would have been
required to erect hoardings in these areas needed but it is curious how this would be obtained
without knowing ownership. Apparently no-one knows ownership of the land surrounding the

BCwill take up the matter primarily on the behalf of Clean which obviously may be of assistance to

The meeting ended