Minutes of Zoom Committee Meeting
Thursday, 24 February 2022, 2.30pm
Present :
Phil Gelling [Chairman] (PG); Jayne Miller [Secretary] (CJM); Colin Barton [Treasurer] (CB); Steve Reynolds (SR)
- Apologies for Absence
Received from Gordon Cockburn
- Minutes of previous meeting
Minutes of the zoom meeting held 3 February were accepted as read; proposed CB, seconded PG. There were no matters arising not covered by the agenda.
- Treasurer’s Report
Information provided by the Treasurer shows little change since the last meeting: –
There had been no change to the PayPal account.
- Membership/Continued Results of Ballot
Schedule provided by Gordon Cockburn, who summarised as follows:
- A poor turnout of members, 31% of members took the time to vote.
- Of those that did bother to vote, we had 98.81% in favour of the committee as listed. 3. Compare that to the PSOE votes in the 2019 election – they only achieved 23.46% of voters – who has the better mandate?
- Fees – Option A = 82.76% B= 20.69% and C =3.45%
- We have had 5 new members register this week, giving us a current membership of 1418 members.
- Help Desk
2025 team set this up and since most have resigned, the desk lacks support.
There is now an office set up as a ‘concierge’ on B Sector: Megasur who deal with pools etc, by Pedro Mendez, who is pleased to assist CRA by providing space to use for pushing the petition aimed at improving police presence on Camposol. More advertising is needed to promote the petition which was already well under way and CB suggested posting again on Facebook. While signing the petition many visitors are also joining CRA, some of whom had no idea of the CRA
- Update on progress by Gerardo
PG met Gerado and British Consul 23 February. Documents sent out were all in Spanish and PG will request that summaries be provided in English. Gerardo attending on Camposol 25th February to meet with Linda from AUN and hopefully also with Mazarrón Ayuntamiento. Gerardo will also attend a couple of legal clinics with residents having problems.
Attachments sent were motions submitted at local and Regional level and Gerardo is pursuing these.
British Consul scheduled to pursue setting up the Round Table, which has been dormant since intended inauguration in 2019.
PG has also had discussions with Joven Futura a national organisation which also addresses problems on behalf of residents.
Maura has suggested that in view of the size of the organisation, it could be viable to set up Camposol as an independent town. John McCracken had produced a paper on these lines which although an expensive undertaking could pressure the Ayuntamiento into dealing with some of the outstanding issues.
Gerardo has suggested we start using press for circulating information. He also suggests residents could be motivated to populate demonstrations at Regional and local level.
- Website
PG is maintaining currently of the site until return of CJM. Newsletter in preparation, PG will prepare detailed information for website and noticeboard in Consum to be followed up by brief, bullet pointed newsletter. CB to forward instructions to PG for PayPal button.
- Plans for the Future
The meeting ended abruptly at 14.03 due to Zoom session timing out.
- Any Other Business :-
Remaining to be discussed:
AGM – when and where? Date of next meeting: 17th March 2022