Council tax or IBI “Impuesto sobre Bienes Inmuebles”, which could be translated as “property tax”, is a municipally levied tax which is collected by the Murcia Regional Authority, IBI can be paid by Direct Debit, this can be set up at the Hacienda Office in Mazarrón (address details below), or by pro forma invoice, notice and invoice for IBI is distributed by post in June/July, the Region of Murcia do offer a scheme combining IBI with Car tax which can then be paid over 12 monthly payments, this option is offered by post in January or by enquiring at the Hacienda Office in Mazarrón (address details below).  There used to be a 5 percent discount on IBI if you pay by Direct Debit but cannot confirm this still operates.

To pay IBI in a one off payment, take the invoice into any of the banks listed on the invoice where payment will be receipted (there may be specified days a particular bank deals with tax payments).

If you have not received an invoice, a duplicate can be collected at the Consejería de Hacienda office situated Calle del Pino 5 Mazarron Currently in Covid times a prior appointment is needed – see:!/es/home?uuid=2ac0-8de5f-fd4c-299a3


You can view, download and pay online.
How to fill in – see below. 

To obtain a printable copy, the “Tributo” box should already show “I.B.I. URBANO” if not click on the dropdown arrow, then click on “I.B.I. URBANO”, check the year is the current year then in the “Poblacion” box click the dropdown arrow then click on “MAZARRON” then enter the owners NIE number in the “nif/cif” box, finally enter the usually 8 digit “No Fijo del Recibo” number in the last box, this number can be found in the centre panel of your previous year’s IBI invoices, or possibly on your bank statement against the previous year’s payment, then click the “Enviar” button, this will bring up a copy of the invoice, if problems are encountered printing from this, download or save the document, which can then be printed. Payment can be made at any of the banks listed.

You can also pay online see details further below.

Go here to payment page:

Click on the Pasarela de Pagos

Choose the first option PAGO DIRECTO

Fill in your NIE on first line

The N28 numero de serie number in the middle box,

Total amount to pay using comma instead of decimal point  i.e.   300,00        (three hundred pounds)

Then press PAGAR and pay using your credit or debit card.

You can also pay at an ATM which accepts bill payments.

Late payment can be paid but penalties will apply and a new copy invoice showing the penalty amount may be required by the collecting bank.