As mentioned in our previous newsletter sent on 13th May 2022, members have a right to put themselves forward as candidates for election to the CRA Committee. If you wish to do so, then please send an email to itemising your full name, membership number and brief summary of why you would like to be a committee member and what skill you could bring to the committee. You will then be invited to meet with the committee to discuss in greater detail. APPLICATIONS FOR COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP MUST BE RECEIVED BY FRIDAY 3rd OF JUNE AT THE LATEST.
Following receipt of your email, you will be invited to the committee meeting scheduled for 10:30 Monday 6th June, to discuss your candidature.
The list of all candidates and current committee members standing for re-election will be published week commencing 6th June to afford our membership the opportunity to express their vote for/or against any candidate, either by proxy vote if they are unable to attend the AGM or in person at the AGM.
The AGM will be held on Wednesday 15th June @ 15:30 hours SHARP at Marianos Restaurant on A Sector.
Due to tight time constraints and capacity limitations being expressed by the venue, we must advise that entrance will be on a first come basis, to a maximum of 250 attendees. The venue is only available from 15:30 and must be cleared by 17:00 latest.
Further details, including meeting agenda, final list of committee candidates for committee membership and special arrangements for entry to AGM will be published week commencing 6th June
Gordon Cockburn
CRA Membership Secretary & Vice President