Monday, 3 October 2022, 1.30pm
Sensol Golf Club
Present: Gordon Cockburn (GC) [Vice Chairman].
Jayne Miller (CJM) [Secretary]; Colin Barton (CB) [Treasurer]; Wayne Blow (WB);
Angela Skinner (AS)
1. Apologies for Absence
P Gelling
2. Minutes of previous meeting
Minutes of the meeting held 15 September 2022, having been circulated, there being no comment, were duly signed by the Chairman.
3. Matters Arising
There were no matters not covered by the agenda
4. Follow up from Round Table Meeting – 14 September Need to investigate Option 4 of rambla diversion, otherwise no further information.
5. Treasurer’s Report
September was a good month for receipt of subscriptions, some €750 with very little expenditure. Leaves €512 in petty cash, €1124 in paypal, €2587 in the bank; therefore, a total of €4223. Noted quarterly maintenance charge of €30 at the bank should be queried. Invoice from Gerardo received. Take decision at next meeting how much and when to pay. All in favour of adopting online banking.
6. Anonymous Subscribers
For a fee we can get online banking which will provide all the information required. So, query whether extra payments which are being charged and why this should not include online banking. It was reiterated all were in favour of online banking being adopted.
7. Update on registration
Relevant authorities have received confirmation of change of management (Committee) – document will be copied for website to ensure that all are happy with arrangements. All paperwork is now correct and to be inscribed.
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8. Update on progress by C Team
No information available.
9. Campaign for Voting Registration
WB has spoken to Maura – waiting for information from Gerardo. Anyone already registered has to re-register, so ALL residents should be encouraged to register. Need to go after 1 December to re-register on Padron and for voting.
Publish as much information as possible on the website and link with British Embassy information.
10. Website
Up to date.
11. Plans for the future
Continue pursuing ownership of the CHS land. We should make those aware who think they have paid for the land on which their house is built. This is an issue which needs to be followed up during the round table meetings and certainly clarified once the rambla situation is resolved.
12. Any Other Business
Help desk to be continued. WB to re-circulate management list. Do not copy Gerardo in emails, to reduce impact on billing.
Date of next meeting 31 October.
Meeting closed 1500
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