Where do we go from here?
I (Phil Gelling) was looking forward to 2024 having recruited 3 new committee members and our solicitor Gerardo making progress in resolving some of Camposols issues. No sooner had Xmas passed I was confronted with having to find two new committee members. Normally this would not be a problem as we could usually find willing members wanting to join the committee but the vacancies that needed to be filled were the Treasurer and the Membership Secretary. One resigned through health issues and one through personal reasons. Both people were key to the CRA having done lots of sterling work. Yes, we did have 3 volunteers we picked up before Xmas but they had already been tasked with one on Facebook activity, the second compiling an issues list to handover to the new councillor for Camposol and the third to be a fund raiser.
Then in the early weeks of 2024 there were lots of exchanges of dialogue between members and the committee and our solicitor. I spent quite a lot of my time trying to calm the situations and eventually I decided enough was enough and threatened to shut down the CRA by posting the threat on the Facebook group page.
The result was a couple of the new committee members resigning and lots of suggestions between the remaining committee members some of whom pointed out that what I had done was against the constitution. What I did was a knee jerk reaction to all the discontent and the loss of committee members and volunteers.
So the result of all that discontent was lots of thank yous for what the CRA had done but very few comments about we will not be missed (there were some that said we would be missed and thanks for what we had done).
The CRA has a round table meeting to attend in February and needs to progress monthly meetings with the Town Hall.
So this posting is about getting answers to a few questions:-
1. Do you want the CRA to continue fighting your corner YES/NO
2. If Yes are you prepared to pay 36 euros per household per annum? YES/NO
3.Are you prepared to volunteer for the CRA committee? YES/NO
4.If you answered No to the CRA continuing are you prepared to attend a winding up meeting.
Please send your responses to info@camposolresidents.es
The following list is of outstanding issues and what has been done in some cases;-
1. Abandoned / neglected properties – potentially 50.
2. Properties collapsing in C sector
3. Properties built on path of underground stream – part of the Rambla issue.
4. Street lighting on both public and private roads
5. Street names – Completed
6. Allocation of cadastral no. to properties
7. Road works and repairs of roads and pavements
8. Regular street cleaning -occasional street sweeper on Camposol
9. Telefonica’s boxes in the road
10. Broken sewers / raw sewage in the streets – Occasional Problem.
11. Water leaks / pipe blockages (especially now on D sector)
12. Uninsured vehicles
13. No-parking lines on strategic roads (i.e.: Commercial Centre>end of road)
14. Re-painting of Road-markings etc.
15. Police presence / Crime prevention
16. Children’s play areas – 1 completed on A sector.
17. Sport facilities (football area, etc.)- 1 Completed 5-a-side pitch on D sector.
18. Green areas, parks, gardens- some exist – 1 is now a dog park on A sector.
19. Public Library
20. Access road from C/D to RM3
21. Bridge repairs (rambla between B/C sectors) and new Bridge.
22. Postal Service – not door to door – inadequate staffing.
23. Additional Medical Services and Emergency Unit – being completed.
24. Flood Prevention measures inadequate (after floods in D Sector)
25. Regular urban transport – Campobus a good asset to Camposol but cannot cover all requests for residents and holiday makers.
26. Licensed Taxis as 25.
27. Hotel Sensol (Closed) – no hotel accommodation for visitors.
28. Management of Cultural Centre – ????
29. Not everybody pays IBI due to some illegal builds???.
30. Squatters
31. Missing Traffic Signposts – and adherence to those that do exist.
32. Los Covachas (potholes and need for top coat) Project planned and no work has started on upgrade for over 4 years.
33. Rambla issue potential flooding and Health and Safety issue (round table meeting February 2024). Floods occurred in 2012 and 2014.
Administrative issues:-
1. Certifícates of habitación – do you have one?
2. Garantía decenal / 10-year guarantee ????
3. Embargos ???
4. Legalisation of properties
5. Public & private roads – Community of Owners issue
6. Adoption ????
7. Residential/touristic classification
8. Fin de Obras – not sure these are now legally required.
9. Plan General – Still to be updated to reflect what exists.