The CRA contact point is being moved from the Cabin to the Cultural Centre (which has been renamed by Mazarrón Council and is now the “Social Centre”) the desk will be manned between 11am – 1pm every Wednesday (Holidays excluded), the move has been prompted by the prohibitive cost of repairing the years of deterioration the Cabin has suffered and concerns that the power supply will not meet new fire safety regulations.
The Cabin started its life as a security hut for guards watching over MASA plant and machinery it was passed on to the CRA when MASA left the urbanisation, it’s first home was on the ground opposite the B Sector Commercial Centre Carpark, but had to be moved when the land was awarded by the courts to a petrol company and was resituated in its present position next to the Cultural Centre, it has witnessed and been a contact point during many of Camposol’s trials and tribulations, the water changeover when Aqualia took over control of the supply and many householders visited the cabin for instructions on having a meter installed to avoid disconnection, the street lighting turn off, the escritura scandal, the legal action and many other smaller but equally important issues that befell members.
But probably the busiest time was in 2012/2013 when the CRA became aware that embargos (legal charges) were being placed on properties which for one reason or another were still showing as Justo y Manoli (MASA) assets yet many had been purchased by private buyers several years previously, the CRA immediately acquired and paid for all Nota Simples (financial liability documents) for every property on Camposol still registered under MASA ownership, over 750 of them, from the Catastro (Land Registry) to relay to people whose properties were still for whatever reason Justo y Manoli (MASA) assets, some had embargos, some didn’t, all owners involved were strongly advised to take all necessary steps to take their properties out of Justo y Manoli ownership, at the last count there were only around 100 Nota Simples left and when the Justo y Manoli auction took place in 2017 only 94 villas still remained MASA assets, meaning the CRA had a hand in saving more than 600 households from being embroiled in the eventual sell off.
The CRA Team look forward to offering help and advice at the new “Drop in Desk” situated in the now titled “Social Centre”.