Saturday 6th January 2018, at 11am, at the Cultural Centre

1. Attendees:​Phil Gelling, President PG)
​​Silvana Buxton, Vice-President (SB)
​​Geof Buxton, Secretary (GB)
​​Maite Gomez, Treasurer (MG)
​​Allyson Ingamell, Membership Secretary (AI)
​​Simon Mellor, Committee member (SM)
​​Peter Pont, Committee Member (PP)
​​Paul Drury, Invited guest (PD)
​​John McCraken, Invited guest (JMcC)

2. Apologies for absence
​Paul Cassidy

3. Minutes of previous meeting
4. Points arising:

​a) Membership update
​AI reported a membership of approx. 1100 – approx.. 500 did not respond
​and it was therefore decided to remove them from the membership register.

b) Website update – PG reported ‘work in progress’

c) Viability of Camposol Lobby Group – SB reported no progress, in view of
​other pressing matters, such as Auction issues, and the holiday period. To
​pursue in future​​​​​​​​​​SB
d) Spanish speaking support – search ongoing
e) Presentation of rambla project – It was agreed that SB should ask Alfonso
​to come and address an Open Meeting, on a date convenient to him.​​SB
​f) Payment to JMcC of 85€ for info on MASA & subsidiaries’ activities –
​see point 5. below
g) Auction of JyM assets – advice requested to Alfonso & MT by SB –
​see point 10. below
h) CRA New Year’s lunch date – MG agreed to arrange it at Los Balcones.
​Provisional date: Saturday 20/1, at 1pm, for approx. 20 people (CRA
​Committee member and their spouse/partner, Support staff and their
​Spose/partner). MG to confirm availability at Los Balcones to PG​​​MG
​PG to inform Committee​​​​​​​​​PG
5. Agreement of AGM agenda – PG reported that no proposals had been
received, therefore the AGM agenda will read as follows:
Chairman report
Treasurer report
Formal election of Committee members co-opted during the year
GB to publish by 10/1/2018​​​​​​​​GB
6. Treasurer’s report to be agreed for presentation at AGM
MG presented a copy of the accounts that will be published at AGM.
Following a confirmation email from A&M, formal auditing is not required.​​MG
7. JMcC findings from Empresas website.
JMcC reported that the website offered extensive information on the MASA
web of Companies, at a price. Following a brief discussion he was asked to
concentrate solely on Torre Brison for the moment. At the end of his search,
he will request from the Treasurer the appropriate refund of the costs incurred.
JMcC stated that the initial request of 85€ may cover this initial search.
An initial meeting was agreed JMcC/PG/SM/PP/SB, at JMcC’s house,
on Thursday 11/1 at 3pm. JMcC to send details of his home address ​​JMcC
8. Meeting between MT and Mayoress.
At said meeting, which took place on 14/12, were also present PG, SB,
PD and GB. At the end of the meeting, during which it was felt that the
Mayoress had made some questionable statements, the CRA agreed to
formally request to the Town Hall a copy of:
a) documentation from Gines Campillo or Paco Garcia where JyM was
re-engaged as Promotora of the Camposol urbanization
b) documentation received by the Mayoress in 2004 where the CHS
stated that the Rambla of the Aznares did not exist.
SB to process​​​​​​​​​​SB
9. Press coverage
PD reported that the December press article he had prepared and passed
on to PG for approval, did not reach the Costa Cálida Chronicle in time for
publication. It was agreed that in future PD will circulate the article to the
Committee for approval, and he will submit it in time for publication. ​​​PD
10. Donation to MT – In view of the continuous work done by MT on our
behalf, and their unfailing support since 2014, a donation of 500€
was agreed. MG to process​​​​​​​​MG
11. Sale of Sector F at JyM Bankruptcy Auction – Following a large amount of
Information gathered by JMcC, and PD, and a visit by PD/PG/SM/SB/GB
to the site of sector F, SB informed the Working Commission and MT of
dubious activities having taken place in the sale of sector F. SB will keep the
Committee informed of their reply and possible investigations.
12. Payment to JMcC for access to Empresas website. JMcC stated that the cost
so far is of approx.. 52€, but as there may be further costs involved in the
on-going Investigation of Torre Brison SL accounts, he asked that a refund
be made when his work is completed.
13. A.O.B. –
a) PG reported that a lot of documentation in the Cabin needs updating.
He will ask Elaine Roberts to assist.​​​​​​​PG
b) SB requested that a list of Committee members and Support staff details
including email address and telephone number, be circulated to the
Committee and the Support Staff. Unanimously agreed, SB to action​​SB

14. Date of next CRA Committee meeting: Saturday 17th February 2018