The meeting opened at 11am
Present:​Phil Gelling, President (PG)
​​Silvana Buxton, Vice-President (SB)
​​Allyson Ingamell, Membership Secretary (AI)
​​Geof Buxton, Secretary (GB)
Apologies:​Maite Gomez, Treasurer (MG)

1. Minutes of previous meeting: Approved
2. Points arising from previous meeting:
– Website update: PG stated that the problems with Forum access have now been rectified. The maintenance cost of the Website is of 90€ p.year, payable in February each year.
– Membership update: AI continues working on the thankless task of updating the database. She is now 2/3 and reported that the number of active members is of approx.. 1000. AI will report her progress at the next meeting​​​​​AI
– Mission statement. It was agreed that this should be discussed at a later date
– Communication with SOHA. PG has been unable to make contact, but will continue trying​​​​​​​​​​​PG
– Statement for Zoe, Murcia Today. PG stated that instead of making a statement we will continue to keep Zoe informed of any relevant news
– Sponsors appearing on CRA literature. PG reported that no sponsors are mentioned on the new website, and he will contact prospective interested ones in the near future​PG
3. Treasurer’s report: MG emailed the quarterly treasurer’s report, which is enclosed.
4. Update on lawyer’s and architect’s meeting: This will go ahead as planned
5. Approval of problems’ list for the above mentioned meeting: unanimously approved
6. Secondment of Paul Cassidy on the Committee: Paul was proposed by PG and seconded by SB. Paul was unanimously welcomed to the Committee and his offer to deal with members living in the UK was accepted; AI will liaise with him and will agree a working procedure on how best to serve our UK based membership without breaking any Data Protection restrictions.
7. Situation of Cultural Centre management: SB reported that she wrote to the TH on ¼, asking for a meeting to help resolve the unsatisfactory present situation. No reply received to date; SB will pursue the issue. In the meantime, the CRA will endeavour to book the 2nd and 3rd Saturday of each month 11am-1pm
8. CHS document of CHS/Ortiz 2013. SB asked our lawyer’s advice and will be informed in due course on how to pursue the matter.
9. ‘La Verdad’ request: Following Tina’s email to SB that ‘La Verdad’ was enquiring about any exchange of correspondence with the Consulate re: tourism in Murcia, PG stated that no correspondence has taken place to date.
10. Any other Business:
– PG reported that he is in contact with FRAME to explore the possibility of any useful relationship.
– PG expressed the wish to offer a fee-paying associate-membership to members who no longer own a property in Camposol, but wish to continue receiving the newsletter. Unanimously agreed. PG will publish details on the next CRA Newsletter.
– Return of Alison Lister. PG reported that unfortunately Alison will not be returning to Camposol before June, and he should be able to get the Cabin key from Bill.​​PG
– DONATION – A 10€ donation was made by Mr & Mrs Gamble. SB to give to MG​SB
11. Date of next meeting: Saturday 20th MAY, 11am at the Cultural Centre

The meeting closed at 12:40