1. Present
Silvana Buxton, president (SB)
Geoffrey Buxton, Secretary (GB)
Maite Gómez, Treasurer (MG)
Rob Humphreys, Membership secretary (RH)
Paul Drury, Communications (PD)
Simon Mellor, Website master (SM)
Bob Smith, Support/tel.coordinator (BS)
David Shackleford, Committee member (DS)
Kate Mellor, Invited guest, KM

2. Formal welcome to David S and Rob H
RH was formally proposed by SB and seconded by PD as membership Secretary
Following GB’s resignation from the position of Secretary, DS agreed to take his place.
Following the Committee unanimous approval, DS was formally proposed by PD and
seconded by GB as Committee Secretary.

3. Apologies for absence
Peter Pont (PP)
Paul Cassidy (PC)

4. Minutes of previous meeting

5. Matters arising
Points 3, 4, 5 ,6, 9 and 14 are agenda items at today’s meeting.
Point 7 – RH confirmed that he is dealing with the membership database and no
Problems are envisaged at present.
Point 8 – BS confirmed that the m/ship cards have now all been safely destroyed
Point 11 – See ‘Point 12’ below. Date of next meeting with Gaspar to be agreed.
Point 12 – The CRA consulted with Cllr Gaspar Lorente (PSOE) who discussed the
issue with the Administrators of the Entity in C6. The CRA reported the findings to
C6 residents and the matter is now closed.

6. Reply to CDiP proposals
Following unanimous agreement the enclosed reply was sent today to CDiP

7. Question on whether the CM minutes should be published on the website
It was unanimously agreed that SM will continue to publish the CM minutes on the
Website, using his discretion with regards to sensitive issues in order to comply with
GDPR regulations.

8. Discussion on MG’s notes from her meeting with the Asesora
The Committee agreed for the CRA to employ the Asesora sourced by MG to deal with
all the financial documentation. The Committee agreed for MG and SB to attend a
meeting with the Asesora on 29/11 at 5pm, to finalise the appropriate costs.
Any other issues originally discussed will also be confirmed. SB to translate and circulate.​​SB

9. Update of Committee members contact list
Done. SB to circulate new one​​​​​​​​​SB

10. Points raised by PP in email addressed to PD and SB
To be discussed (f still pending) when PP is present​​​​​​PP

11. Date for AGM
To be agreed at the next Committee Meeting. DS to put on agenda​​​​DS

12. Provision of Drop-in Sessions
Following feedback from the Voluntary team, it was unanimously agreed that the Drop-in
Centre should no longer operate. In its place the CRA will offer a telephone service. BS to
set it up, after which it will be published on the website, on the Consum notice board, on
the Social Centre notice board, and in the Costa Calida Chronicle newsletter. ​​​BS
BS will also coordinate the rota for the manning of the phone line.​​​​​BS

13. AOB
SB reported that she obtained from the TH the list of documents necessary for registration
on the Padron. SB to translate and SM to publish on the website.​​​​​SB/SM
MG proposed a Xmas/New Year lunch at Los Balcones for Committee members, volunteers,
and partners. Unanimously agreed. MG to confirm a date in January and to circulate menu.​MG

14. Date of next CM –
January 19th, 2019
SB to circulate proposed CM dates for 2019​​​​​​​SB

The meeting closed at 12:45pm