Phil Gelling, president (PG)
Silvana Buxton, Vice-President (SB)
Geof Buxton, Secretary (GB)
Maite Gómez, Treasurer (MG)
Allyson Ingamell, Membership secretary (AI)
Simon Mellor, Committee member (SM)
Paul Cassidy, Committee member (PC)
Paul Drury, invited Consultant/Adviser (PD)
John McCraken, invited member/Adviser (JMcC)
Roger Crouch, invited member (RC)
John Girvan, invited member (JG)
Elaine Roberts, invited member (ER)
Bill Pryor, invited member (BP)
Alison Lister, invited member (AL)

The meeting opened at 11am

1. Apologies for absence

2. Minutes of previous meeting

3. Points arising from previous meeting
– CRA status update = still awaiting for a reply from CARM (SB)
– Feedback from Regional Working Commission = see point 6 below
– Solicitud for: C/Aljibe and for key locks of the Cultural Centre = c/f (SB)
– Continued CRA presence in CCC = Paul Drury is producing monthly updates

4. Membership Update
AI reported that there are now 1100 confirmed member. Of all the emails she sent, approx. 50% did not reply and approx. 500 are inactive. She will continue this thankless task​​​​AI
5. Website update
PG reported that the Company we had employed to deal with our website has closed down. He will speak to a person called James, and will investigate the possibility of acquiring a fast website operation.​PG

6. Regional Working Commission meeting
The above meeting, held in Cartagena on 6/11/2017, was attended by SB and GB. Blaya Blaya and a CHS official were interviewed. The event was widely covered by the Spanish media and by Murcia Today, so SB did not elaborate on it any further. It was decided to wait for the Regional Working Committee’s decision, before pursuing any further action,

7. Legal action update
A meeting with the lawyer took place on 10/11/2017, and was attended by PG and SB. Following the meeting SB is contacting all claimants to update them on the ongoing proceedings.

8. Rambla map/situation update
The CRA has obtained a more detailed rambla map where the rambla and the prohibited delimitation zone are clearly marked.

9. CRA support for Euronic’s petition
Euronic organised a petition to be delivered to the Town Hall regarding the lack of public lighting in Camposol. The CRA agreed to post the details on their notice board in Consum.

10. CRA Committee proposal for Christmas lunch
A Christmas lunch for Committee members and their partner/spouse was suggested – the Committee was invited to bring ideas on venue, time and cost-bearing at the next Committee meeting.

11. Viability of Camposol Lobby Group
It was agreed that this could be very beneficial to Camposol, and it should be pursued as soon as a dedicated person is found. PG to approach Antonio for the task.​​​​​​​PG

12. Need for Spanish speaking support
It was agreed that there is a need for Spanish speaking volunteers to be prepared to take over the Spanish-British communication tasks, should the need arise. PG to approach Antonio for the task.​​PG

13. Any Other business:
Pneumonia issue – MG offered to contact the Medical Centre, for any statistics that may be available, or to find out who could provide them. Paul, Alison and Maite to liaise.​​​​MG/PD/AL

14. Date of next Committee meeting: 9th December 2017, 11am, Cultural Centre

The meeting closed at 1pm