Minutes of CRA Committee meeting held on Saturday 14/7/2018 at 10:30, at the Club House
The meeting opened at 10:40

1.Welcome & present: Silvana Buxton, acting president (SB)
Geof Buxton, secretary (GB)
Maite Gómez, treasurer (MG)
Simon Mellor, website master (SM)
Peter Pont, website support and special projects coordinator (PP)
Paul Drury, communications (PD)
Bob Smith, committee member (BS)
Elaine Roberts, drop-in team coordinator, invited guest (ER)

2.Apologies for absence: Allyson Ingamells, Paul Cassidy

3.Minutes of previous meeting: Approved

4.Matters arising:

a. SB to provide info re: Spanish classes to SM for the website. C/f SB
b. Programme for Membership database: PP to liaise with AI to agree
the maintenance of the programme, while AI takes a short break AI/PP
And ER to agree with AI disposal of paper m/ship cards AI/ER
c. Aqualia make-good to roads and pavements following repairs to leaks
At yesterday’s meeting with Gaspar, PP provided a map of sector D
with affected areas clearly marked. PP to send Gaspar a photo of the
marked areas needing attention. PP

5.Treasurer report:
The treasurer read out the report for quarter April-June. Copy enclosed

6.IBI issues and the CRA response:
BS presented some information received second-hand from a TH employee regarding
back-payments of IBI. The Committee felt it was important to verify such information
before publishing it on the CRA website. It was agreed that SB would try and arrange
a meeting with Pedro Martinez (Deputy Mayor), possibly for September/October SB

BS offered to contact Zoe at Murcia Today to see if she is able to obtain some
More reliable information, and if she is interested in producing an article on IBI BS

7.Feedback of meeting with Gaspar of 13/7/2018
The Committee was handed a letter written by Alfonso to the Regional Assembly
seeking to put pressure on the Regional Government to set-up the Inter-Authority
Commission agreed at the Regional Assembly Pleno of 22/3/2018. SB emailed the
English translation to the committee on 14/7.
Aqualia issue: see M.A. 4/8 above
Social Centre: SB informed Gaspar of the temporary closure of the Social Centre
due to rat-infestation and Environmental officer’s instructions to close it until further
notice. SB also requested an update on the TH commitment to manage the Centre, as
it is now beginning to into disrepair (SB showed Gaspar a photo of damaged marble
sink surround in the Ladies’ toilets). Gaspar asked for a list of Associations using the
Centre and their main activity. SB sent the information on 14/7
The next meeting with Gaspar was agreed for Friday 21/9 at 5pm at the Club House, but
A meeting with Alfonso is arranged for Friday 20/7/2018 at the Club House, to
obtain an update on the (yet to be) planned date for works to start on the re-direction of
the rambla, and for the setting-up of the Inter-Authority Commission.

8.Fiscalia’s decision – CRA to present complaint to the Defensor del Pueblo?
This step was advised by JL and it was unanimously agreed to follow this course
of action. SB stated that Alfonso agreed to check the letter before sending.
SB to prepare the file for the DdP SB

9.Electronic correspondence to the Regional Ministry:
A letter was received from the Regional Ministry advising that all correspondence
addressed to Ministers, Heads of Dept. etc. must be sent electronically. MG handed
an English version of the instructions given in the letter. SM to advise how to sign a
letter electronically, then SB to re-send letters previously sent through the TH to the
newly appointed Officers and Ministers. PD to send link SM/PD/SB

In the matter of correspondence, PD agreed to write to the British Consul as Sarah-Jane
had actually met the people we want to reach. PD

10.Website update
SM asked the committee to agree on the format and information requested on
‘how to join’ text (email enclosed). It was agreed that until such time as the
details of membership fees were agreed at Committee (possibly November)
and approved at the next AGM on 16/2/2019, the format should include the 12 most
important fields identified by Laurence and Simon, and a (Paypal) ‘donation’ facility.

11.Membership database and Privacy Policy
See M.A. 4/7 above

12.Media involvement
A Spanish investigative TV production company is planning to film a dedicated
programme “RED4 Punta de Mira” on the plight of Camposol and has contacted
the CRA asking for information and assistance, in an attempt to get a truthful
account published, it was agreed that SB would speak to the company with the
aim of seeking the appropriate coverage SB

13.Management of Social Centre
See point 4 above

A brief conversation took place regarding plans to raise the CRA profile. PD suggested
that the (acting) chairman attend a Costa Calida radio interview – BS stated that he has
maintained useful contacts and will arrange this, after the summer break. BS

SB suggested arranging a meeting with all associations/organisation to seek some sort
of united collaboration and achieve a united front. PP offered to undertake this task
aiming at a late September-October meeting. PP

SB discussed with Sue Tinkler the possibility of having a CRA table at the yearly
Fiesta, 23-25 August. Sue was agreeable to offer space foc. SB to liaise with her
Aad with committee to agree a manning rota SB

The meeting closed at 1pm

Next Committee meeting: 15th September 2018, at 10:30am at the Club House