The meeting opened at 3pm
1. Members present: Phil Gelling (PG), Silvana Buxton (SB), Alison Lister (AL), Allyson Ingamells (AI), Geoffrey Buxton (GB), Maite Gomez (MG)

2. Apologies for absence: Bill Pryor (BP)

3. Minutes of previous meeting: approved

4. Clarification of Constitution – This was requested by AI, mostly in relation to the procedure for additions/changes etc. It was confirmed that the current Constitution is the document dated 22/10/2015. In relation to the aims and objectives of the CRA PG stated that perhaps a MISSION STATEMENT should be written and upon agreement from the Committee, he agreed to produce it and submit it to Committee for approval before publishing.​​PG

5. Update of Members’ Database – PG and AI reported that they are still only 1/3 of the way through, as they are trying to resolve a ‘software incompatibility’ issue at present.

6. Update of Website progress – PG stated that he was quoted 500€ by MW IT Services, to revamp the CRA website. At the next meeting PG will discuss with them archiving and bandwidth issues​​​​​​​​​PG PG also agreed to contact the existing advertisers to discuss their continued interest in advertising on the CRA website (and pay for it), or be deleted.​​​​PG

7. Feedback on recent meetings with Officials/Councillors – Paul Drury, who attended with PG and SB the two meetings which took place on 3/1/17, and 5/1/17, wrote a very comprehensive report on them, which is enclosed. It was agreed that the report will be publicised on the CRA Forum, on the Newsletter, on the CRA Notice board at Consum, and possibly in the ‘Costa Calida Chronicle’ and ‘The Journal’. PG and AL to liaise as to who’s doing what. Deadline for CCC and TJ is this week.​​​ ​ PG/AL

8. Next line of action – PG informed the Committee that he intends to contact other Associations such as SOHA, AUAN and FAUN to discuss how they overcome hurdles and how to achieve residents’ interest and participation in the CRA activities. For information:
​SOHA = Save Our Homes Axarquia (An area on the Costa del Sol)

​AUAN = Abusos Urbanisticos Almanzora NO (NO to Urban Planning Abuse in Almanzora)

​FAUN = Federación Española de Asociaciones en defensa de los Derechos Humanos y en ​contra de los Atropellos Urbanísticos y Medioambientales (Spanish Federation of ​associations in defence of human rights and against urban and environmental abuses)

9. Handover of Treasurer’s position – At the end of the AGM held on 26/11/2016, Maite Gomez expressed an interest in becoming Treasurer for the CRA. Her offer was taken up, and at today’s Committee Meeting she was seconded, by tacit agreement, to take over from SB as CRA Treasurer. SB passed over her A/C records (9/3/2016-31/12/2016) to MG. The A/C balances being as follows:

– La Caixa, a/c 8829​​ 127,98€ ​@ latest bank statement 1/1/2017
– La Caixa, a/c 8942​​15.477,48€​@ latest bank statement 1/1/2017
– Santander, a/c 5801​ 185,26€​@ latest bank statement 17/10/2016
– Santander, a/c 6507​ 42,25€​@ latest bank statement 7/7/2016
– Petty cash,​​​ 194,61€​@ 9/1/2017
– Paypal a/c,​​​ 287,54​@ 9/1/2017
​SB stated that at present the CRA is paying regular monthly fees to:
– La Caixa​ ​12,00€ x each a/c = 24,00€ per month
– Asesoría El Pilar ​24,20€ (20,00€ + IVA/bank transfer fees)
– Santander​​unable to identify monthly fees from their statement
​It was agreed that the 2 Santander accounts should be closed. SB/PG to process.​ PG/SB ​It was further agreed that SB arrange a meeting between MG, SB and the Accountant Pedro ​Martinez of Asesoría El Pilar to discuss the Auditors’ involvement in the CRA a/c and their ​monthly fees in the endeavour to possibly change this to a single payment-for-audit fee.​ SB ​SB to enquire also at La Caixa for inclusion of (Teresa Gomez Rodrigues) MG’s signature on ​the CRA accounts​​ ​​​​​​​ SB
10​Any Other Business:
​- Update from SB on the Legal Action – Our Lawyer reported that the case was presented to ​the Court of Totana in December. He will keep SB updated on the various ​administrative/legal procedures and SB will, in turn, pass the information to the people ​involved in the Criminal Action.
​- CRA contribution to Sandy Allison’s funeral. It was agreed that the CRA would give 50€ to ​each of the two Charity Organisations in which Sandy was involved, Noah’s Arc and Kitty ​Kitty. The treasurer will process this as soon as she is able to obtain the bank details of the ​organisations.​​​​​​​​​​ MG
The meeting closed at 5:30pm
Date of next meeting:​4th February 2017, 11am, Cultural Centre (Apologies received from SB and GB)