In late December the liquidation auction took place as part of the winding up procedure of Justo y Manoli SL (MASA), the CRA issued urgent warnings regarding the consequences of this as far back as May 2015, unfortunately there were a significant number of homeowners trapped in this legal quagmire who may lose their house as well as the money they paid for their property, one group of homeowners mounted a fight back and the CRA offered assistance, contacting the Regional Authority, British Consulate and arranged for the Spanish Regional press to visit Camposol, but at this late stage any intervention was impossible, resulting in some homeowners having to bid on their own properties and some unable to do so, at the time of writing the extent of the problem is still unclear, there has also been an “Interested Party” application made to the Courts in regard to the Justo y Manoli liquidation by another MASA subsidiary, this is being investigated.
In other news, the CRA’s lobbying of the Regional Assembly continues and after delaying tactics from some involved officials called to give evidence, the Murcia Regional Assembly Commission is finalising its conclusions and proposals for Camposol and a vote should be taken at the Regional Assembly Pleno in late February or March.
A report and solution consisting of 193 pages has been produced regarding the rambla situation on D Sector, the CRA have requested a public presentation of the proposed solution and the impact of its construction on residents from the Regional Authority and/or CHS (Rivers Authority), details of any presentation will be published when available.
In the first week of December groundwork started in the area between C and D Sector and in early January an electricity supply was installed to the pumping station on C Sector, this is part of the restoration and completion of the urbanisation wide sewer infrastructure and is due to finish at the end of February, the sewer system will then be linked to the Treatment Plant on B Sector which has also just undergone a 900,000 euro refurbishment funded by the Regional Authority, these works will resolve the current situation (ongoing since at least 2011) where the majority of the urbanisation’s sewage is deposited untreated into the Rambla (Riverbed).