The end of January and start of February have been busy, besides the AGM, the CRA Committee held an open meeting regarding the Rambla re-direction on D Sector, meetings were held with the British Consulate Team and a meeting with the spokesman for the Regional Commission for Camposol.
At the open meeting the plan for the proposed rambla re-direction was discussed (see plan) and questions were answered where possible or recorded to be forwarded to the relevant authority, more should be known over the coming months.
The Consul and her team gave a Public Presentation on the UK Governments ongoing Brexit accord, details of which can be found on the British Embassy website:
Following the Public Presentation the Consulate team debriefed the CRA Committee on meetings with the Regional President Fernando López Miras, Regional Minister for Public Works, a CHS (Rivers Authority) Official and Mazarrón Council, the CRA were informed that the main subject of these meetings were the previously mentioned re-direction of the Rambla on D Sector, which caused the major flooding event in 2014, a preferred route for the watercourse has been agreed in principal by all parties involved (see plan) it is hoped full agreement will be reached soon, after which a project can be drawn up by Mazarrón Council and after approval by the CHS work can start, it is anticipated the construction work will be completed in approximately 8 months, this will then allow the Plan Parcial to move forward and other issues on the urbanisation can be addressed.
The Consul praised the work of the CRA Committee in taking Camposol’s many issues to the Murcia Regional Assembly and stated that the attitude towards Camposol from the Regional and Local Authorities had become more positive over the last 6 months possibly helped by the anticipated opening of Corvera Airport and AVE (high speed train), the Consul urged the Committee to continue its work in breaking down the problems into “Bite sized chunks” as taking on all Camposol’s issues at once would be overwhelming.
At the meeting with the Regional Assembly spokesman, the Committee were informed that the Report, Conclusions and Solutions for Camposol will be discussed at a Departmental Meeting in mid-February and presented to the Regional Assembly Pleno to be voted on a couple of weeks later, he added that he would be in close contact with the Committee regarding dates, he also stated he was pleased with the progress made so far with 2 out of the 3 priorities on Camposol, the shortly to be completed Sewage Plant and sewer network plus the advances made with the Rambla, the third priority, the urbanisation’s general infrastructure including C Sector South is included in the aforementioned Report.