Translation of Aqualia Customer Service Announcement:-
Through these numbers it will be possible to carry out all the actions that are carried out in person in the commercial office.
Aqualia, the company that manages the municipal water service for Mazarrón, has put into operation new telephone numbers, totally free for the user, with the aim of improving service provision and communication with the public:-
900 81 09 71 for Customer Service, Monday to friday, 08:00h. At 20:00h. Continuously.
900 81 09 72 to Report leaks/breakdowns, available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
900 81 09 73 to register Meter readings, also available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
The Aqualia Customer Care Centre allows the customer to make use of the phone for all the actions that are carried out in person in the office, in a simple way, without travelling or waiting, services include:- invoice enquiries, reporting of leaks/breakdowns, notification of meter readings, consultations, changes of contract or ownership, among others. During 2017 the Aqualia Customer Care Center attended 769,233 calls from its users.
With these new 900 numbers, which replace the geographical telephones (prefixes 911) and the 902 numbers, the full cost of the call is assumed by Aqualia, either from a landline or from a mobile phone. The new 900 lines will be advertised on the back of the next invoices.
Excellence in customer service is a commitment by Aqualia to the general public. To achieve this, the company offers a service with a high degree of personalisation, in line with the needs of the users.