You may have followed the recent Municipal elections, and as such you may be aware that PSOE, the Political Party supported by the CRA, achieved 6 seats in the Council, resulting in my eligibility to Councillor.
At present it is not yet clear whether I will be able to fulfil my ambition of becoming Councillor for Foreigners, only achievable if PSOE becomes the ruling Party in the Council, or whether the PP will retain its ruling powers, in which case I will just be part of the Opposition.
The new Council will take office on the 15th June, but whichever the outcome I regret that, for ethical and operational reasons, I will not be seeking re-election to the CRA Chair or Committee, at the next AGM due to take place on the 22nd June 2019.
I therefore invite you to join your Association in a more rewarding, if somewhat challenging role, and put forward your nomination as a Committee member or higher, if you feel that you can put some of your knowledge or skills to the benefit of your Association.
I wish to take this opportunity to remind you all of the unique importance that a Residents’ Association has in the eyes of a local Council, as well as acting as a most powerful tool for communicating with Regional and National authorities, with the media, and with its own membership.
It has been a privilege and a pleasure (well, most of the time), to be part of such an important Association, and to serve such a deserving membership.
I will, of course, continue to give my time, my efforts and my interest to the CRA, albeit in a different role, in order to assist its Committee in the achievement of its aims and objectives for the benefit of all its members.
With kind regards
Silvana Buxton
CRA Acting chairman